1.7.2 (La Actualización que cambió el Mundo)[4] |
25 de Octubre, 2013 |
Mejoras y Cambios
- Paquetes de Recursos
- Revisión completa del menú.
- La posibilidad de escoger varios paquetes de recursos a la vez.
- Los paquetes de recursos situados encima, tienen preferencia sobre los que está debajo si los archivos aparecen más de una vez.
- Permite una mezcla automática de texturas de varios paquetes, un paquete de sonidos y diferentes paquetes de texturas, etc.
- Los servidores pueden ofrecer paquetes de recursos.
- Tamaño máximo incrementado a 50 MB
- Sonidos
- Ahora se pueden añadir nuevos sonidos usando paquetes de recursos.
- Los paquetes de recursos pueden añadir, eliminar, reemplazar, aleatorizar y agrupar sonidos usando JSON.
- Los sonidos y la música se almacenan juntos en la nueva carpeta .minecraft/assets/sounds
- La música ahora se pausa cuando se pausa el juego.
- Código de Red
- Reescritos completamente.
- Ahora usa Netty.
- La mayoría de los paquetes no cambiarán.
- Hay un encabezado de longitud de paquete.
- Iluminación
- Muchos problemas de iluminación solucionados.
- Muchos menos "puntos negros" en el generador de terreno.[5]
- Se han corregido los errores de las antorchas en fortalezas y minas abandonadas.[6][7]
- Ahora el nivel de iluminación baja a 7 durante las tormentas (antes se mantenía en 12 al igual que la lluvia normal, pero los monstruos podían aparecer si el nivel de iluminación era 7).
- Las nubes se vuelven negras y el cielo se vuelve mucho más oscuro.
- Opciones
- Agrupadas varias opciones en la sección de Controles, que permite establecer 1-9 atajos de teclado, tecla para fotografía, cambio a cámara cinemática (se puede redirigir la tecla y ya no tiene una tecla por defecto), cambio de cámara y añadido el botó de carrera, que te forzará a entrar en modo carrera siempre que sea posible (Control izquierdo por defecto).
- Música y Sonidos
- Ahora permite controlar el volumen de forma independiente para Volumen general, Música, Tocadiscos/Bloque musical, Clima, Bloques, Criaturas Hostiles, Criaturas Amigables, Jugadores y Ambiente/Entorno.
- La pantalla de paquete de recursos.
- Ahora una pantalla dividida que distingue entre los paquetes de recursos seleccionados y los que no lo están - ahora se puede usar más de un paquete de recursos se forma simultanea
- Ajustes de Vídeo
- La distancia de renderizado ahora es un deslizador que va de 2 hasta 16 chunks, los FPS máximos es ahora un deslizador que va de 10 hasta 250 fps, el nivel de suavizado se puede establecer de nivel 1 hasta 4 o desactivarlo, el filtro antisotrópico se puede establecer en 2, 4, 8, 16 o desactivado.
- Super Secret Settings
- Activa un sonido aleatorio cuando se pulsa y hace un ciclo entre varios efectos visuales experimentales: fxaa, art, bumpy, blobs2, pencil, color_convolve, deconverge, flip, invert, ntsc, outline, phosphor, scan_pincushion, sobel, bits, desaturate, green, blur, wobble, blobs, antialias.
- Se puede restablecer a la visión normal con pulsando F4
- Selección de Lenguaje
- Añadida la opción 'Fuente Unicode' que permite especificar si la fuente Unicode se fuerza a aparecer en texto o no.
- Inventario
- En el modo creativo, el objeto que se muestra para bloques de decoración, cambia de Rosa a Peonia.
- Las cajas de armadura se vuelven negras cuando el cursos está fuera de ellas.
- Si se pone el cursos encima una caja de armadura, causará que se muestre la armadura que hay.
- Lista de Servidores
- Ahora se puede refrescar con F5.
- Añadidos iconos de servidores.
- Añadido soporte para comentarios multi-línea en el MOTD, que ya no se sale de la pantalla.
- Al pasar por encima del número de usuarios, aparecerán unos pocos de los que estén conectados.
- Registros
- Ahora usa Log4j 2
- La ubicación de los registros por defecto, es ahora logs/latest.logs, los registros antiguos se archivan en logs/<year>-<month>-<day>-1.lg.gz con el número al final, que aumenta en cada hoja de registros que se va guardando.
- La forma en que se guarden los registros, se pueden modificar, por ejemplo, páginas html, bases de datos, sólo errores, no quedan registrados.
- Minecraft Realms
- Preparativos iniciados para comprar soporte.
- Preparativos para ofrecer una opción para descargar el mapa del mundo.
- Texto Splash
- 'Ahora contiene 32 modelos aleatorios diariamente!'
- Comandos
- Echa automáticamente a los jugadores inactivos después de un cierto tiempo.
- Comando multijugador, sólo puede ser usado por Operadores de un servidor.
- Uso:
/setidletimeout <Minutos hasta que se eche>
- Escrito en JSON paar crear "botones" y texto formateado en el chat (subrayado, en negrita, en cursiva, de color, etc.).
- Uso:
/tellraw <jugador> <mensaje>
- Usado para dar logros a un jugador.
- Uso:
/achievement give <nombre> [jugador]
- Usado para crear, eliminar o remplazar un bloque.
- Uso:
/setblock [x] [y] [z] <IDBloque> [Información] [Método] [Tag]
- Hace la comprobación de un bloque en una localización específica.
- Uso:
/testforblock <x> <y> <z> <NombreBaldosa> [Valor] [Tag]
- Establece el punto de aparición del mundo para todos los jugadores (incluso si no han jugado nunca en el servidor o si están desconectados, pero no remplazará las camas).
- Uso:
/setworldspawn [x] [y] [z]
- Efectos de parículas
- Pescar incluye ahora nuevos efectos con partículas.
- Las burbujas se mostrarán moviéndose hacia el anzuelo, justo antes de que haya algo en él. Tiene la apariencia de un pez nadando hacia el anzuelo.
- Caer, ahora tiene efectos de partículas.
- El tamaño de las partículas depende de la altura en que se caiga.
- Nuevos Logros
- Repoblación
- Haz que dos vacas críen usando trigo.
- Requiere el logro "Chupavacas".
- ¡Diamantes para ti!
- Lanza diamantes a otro jugador.
- Requiere el logro "¡DIAMANTES!".
- Hora de aventuras
- Descubre todos los biomas.
- Requiere el logro "El Fin.".
- ¿El Comienzo?
- Invoca al Wither.
- Requiere el logro "El Fin.".
- El Comienzo.
- Mata al Wither.
- Requiere el logro "¿El Comienzo?".
- Beaconator
- Nuevas estadísticas
- Distancia a Caballo
- Porquería Pescada
- Tesoros Pescados
- Estadísticas de Criaturas
Mejoras y Cambios
- Pesca
- Cambios en las mecánicas de la pesca.
- Más objetos a parte de pez, se pueden obtener al pescar.
- Pez: 4 objetos en total, incluye Pescado Crudo, Salmón Crudo, Pez Payaso, y Pez Globo.
- Tesoro: 7 objetos en total, incluye cañas de pescar encantadas, arcos encantados, libros encantados, etiquetas, gancho de cuerda, nenúfares, y sillas de montar.
- Porquería: 13 objetos en total, incluye cañas de pescar dañadas, botellas de agua, carne podrida, hilo, cuero, boles, palos, huesos, ganchos de cuerda, diez sacos de tinta, o botas de cuero dañadas.
- Nuevos encantamientos para las cañas de pescar que cambian tu suerte al pescar.
- Atracción - reduce el tiempo de espera para pescar un objeto.
- Suerte del Mar - incremente la probabilidad de obtener un "tesoro" y disminuye la probabilidad de encontrar "porquería".
- Logros y Estadísticas[8]
- Ahora está enlazado con el sistema de tablas de estadísticas - añadidos 744 nuevos criterios de objetivos.
- Ahora son por mundo/servidor[9]
- La pantalla de logros, ahora se puede ampliar y reducir usando la rueda del ratón.
- Los logros no aparecen en la pantalla de logros si son necesarios más de cinco logros para acceder a uno de ellos.
- La información para los bloques, objetos y criaturas no aparece no aparece en su pestaña correspondiente de las estadísticas, a no ser que el jugador haya fabricado/colocado/picado ése bloque, fabricado/usado/agotado ése objeto, o matado/matado por ésa criatura.
- Cuando un jugador consigue un logro, éste se anuncia en el chat. Ésto se puede descativar en los servidores, cambiando una linea en el archivo server.properties.
- Se puede limitar para que se muestren los logros del tipo herramienta.
- No se puede deshabilitar en el modo Un Jugador.
- Puedes obtener los logros '¡Hora de picar!', '¡Hora de luchar!' y '¡Hora de cultivar!', fabricando el objeto mostrado con un material que no sea madera.
- Tabla de Estadísticas
- Ahora se pueden usar las estadísticas para crear objetivos; cualquier cosa que las estadísticas puedan rastrear se puede usar como objetivo (también se pueden rastrear logros).
- Ésta es la razón por la cual las estadísticas/logros ahora se almacenan por mundo/servidor.
- Comandos
- Ahora se pueden dar objetos a los usuarios con un nombre específico y con encantamientos. [10]
- Se pueden dar objetos como Cabezas de un jugador específico, o incluso generadores de monstruos personalizados.
- Ahora lee el nombre de los objetos renombrados.
- Uso:
/give <jugador> <ID> [cantidad] [valor de daño] [Tag]
/time set day
- Ahora establece el tiempo a 1000 en vez de 0.
/time set night
- Ahora establece el tiempo a 13000 en vez de 12000.
- Ahora se puede añadir información NBT, por medio de comandos.
- Funciona con /give, /summon y /setblock
- Ejemplos de sintaxis:
/give @p 1 1 0 {display:{Lore:["Hi,","How are you?"],Name:"Nice Stone Block"},ench:[{id:1,lvl:10}]}
/summon Pig ~ ~ ~ {Saddle:1, CustomName:"Babe", CustomNameVisible:1}
/setblock ~ ~ ~ 397 3 {SkullOwner:MHF_Pig} <dataTag>
- Formato NBT
- Nueva etiqueta NBT Irrompible.
- Se aplica a objetos con durabilidad. Elimina cualquier daño uso en un objeto.
- Las etiquetas ya no necesitan nombre.
- Ya no se rompe cuando se da un tipo equivocado.
- Añadido archivo <structure>.dat en la carpeta de información, para almacenar datos de estructura.
- Contiene .dat llamado Village.dat, Fortress.dat (Fortaleza del Nether), Temple.dat (Templo del Desierto, Templo de Jungla y Choza de Bruja), Stronghold.dat, Mineshaft.dat, y otros.
- La estructura NBT consiste en partes individuales de cada estructura, nombrados "children", una etiqueta llamada BB, y una ID para el tipo de estructura que es.
- Las etiquetas "children" tienen información en cada parte dela estructura y el tipo de parte que es.
- Sistema de Chat
- "Útil para creadores de mapas, modders, jugadores y administradores de seridores".
- Añadida una forma de hacer cosas cuando se pulsan cosas en el chat, como ejecutar un comando.
- Otra acción incluye abrir un enlace y mostrar un objeto cuando se pasa por encima.
- Los mensajes de salvado de capturas de pantalla, ahora se pueden pulsar para abrir la captura, que te lleva a la carpeta .minecraft
- Ahora se puede pulsar el nombre de un jugador para mandarle un mensaje privado.
- Añadido
/tellraw <jugador> <mensaje> para enviar mensajes de chat con funcionalidades personalizadas a los jugadores - el jugador que lo envía no aparece.
- Ejemplo de sintaxis:
/tellraw @p {text:"¿Día? ",color:"green",extra:[{text:"¡Pulsa aquí!",color:"blue",clickEvent:{action:"run_command",value:"/time set day"}},{text:" Noche? "},{text:"¡Pulsa aquí!",color:"blue",clickEvent:{action:"run_command",value:"/time set night"}},{text:"¡Diviértete!"}]}
- Niebla
- Eliminada la niebla delgada alrededor del jugador.
- Ahora la niebla sólo está en el borde de los chunks visibles.
- Pantalla de Muerte
- Si mueres y seleccionas el botón de 'Pantalla de Inicio', una ventana emergente te preguntará si estás seguro de querer abandonar y te da la opción de volver a resucitar y seguir jugando o bien y abandonar la partida.
- Borde del Mundo
- Todos los bloques más allá de 30 millones (±30,000,000) del origen, ahora actúan como bloques sólidos.
- Ésto incluye bloques de aire.
- Ésto crea una pared invisible en los bordes del mundo.
- Como todos los bloques funcionan como sólido, si un jugador es movido fuera de los límites por medida de herramientas o programas externos, no se podrían mover por el espacio.
- Pese a lo que se dice arriba, la cámara se sigue moviendo de forma normal. Esto significa que los chunks fantasma se siguen generando bloques sólidos más allá de los límites de forma normal.
- IDs de Bloque/Objeto
- Ahora se puede referir por ellos a través de sus nombres en lugar de con sus números.
- Será la única opción en un futuro.
- Necesario para el Plugin API.
- Visuales
- Cambiadas las visuales de F3+B
- Las cajas de bloques son ahora completamente negras en lugar de gris oscuro.
- El cielo ahora se oscurece cuando estás en el interior.
- Portal del Nether
- Posibilidad de tener distintas medidas para permitir variaciones en el diseño, y, si el portal en el Nether es suficientemente grande, los Ghast pueden atravesar.
- Los portales se pueden activar desde cualquier bloque del portal, no sólo de los inferiores (cuando cualquier bloque de fuego aparece en el interior del marco del portal).
- Nuevas normas de construcción de portales: Cualquier tamaño entre 4x5 hasta 23x23, pero rectangular.
- Encantamientos
- Irrompibilidad ahora puede aparecer en cualquier objeto sin necesidad de usar un yunque.
- Los libros encantados ahora pueden recibir múltiples encantamientos a la vez.
Generación de Mundo
- Árboles
- Árbol Acacia
- Árboles curvados hechos con madera de acacia.
- Aparecen en los biomas de Savanna.
- Árboles Roble Oscuro
- Muy anchos, árboles cortos.
- Aparecen en los biomas de Roofed Forest.
- Biomas[11]
- Mesa
- Composed of multiple colored hardened clay that are layered in a way that resembles sedimentary rock
- There are seven colours including normal, orange, red, yellow, white, light grey and brown.
- Has a floor similar to a desert biome, but made of red sand instead of sand
- Dead bushes spawn in this biome
- Occasional dying forests spawn on top of the clay mountains
- There is no rain in this biome
- Savanna
- Acacia trees
- New wood, sapling, and leaf type
- Horses can spawn in this biome
- NPC Villages may generate in savanna biomes
- There is no rain in this biome
- Very flat with plateaus and the occasional giant mountain
- Sunflower Plains
- Exactly the same as Plains, but can spawn Sunflowers
- Roofed Forest
- Has dark grass and giant mushrooms
- Has Dark Oak trees; dark and dangerous under the canopy even during the day
- New wood, sapling, and leaf type
- Monsters will most likely be able to spawn during the day and the night
- Monsters that spawned at night can survive during the day
- This is the first biome aside from Mushroom Island that naturally spawns with giant mushrooms
- Birch Forest
- A forest made entirely of birch trees
- Flower Forest
- Forest variant with several of the new flowers, including peonies, orange tulips, white tulips, oxeye daisies, rose bush and allium
- Very densely packed with the various new flowers
- Taiga
- Now generates without snow
- The previous taiga biomes are now Cold Taiga biomes
- Mega Taiga
- This is a very rare biome
- Contains 2x2 Spruce trees
- Has a dirt block variant known as Podzol.
- Currently obtained only by the silk touch enchantment.
- Contains dirt blocks that do not allow grass to grow.
- Moss Stone "boulders" are scattered around in this biome.
- Dead bushes, mushrooms, and ferns spawn in this biome.
- Extreme Hills+
- Contains spruce trees
- Goes considerably higher than the normal Extreme Hills
- Ice Plains Spikes
- Contains giant ice spires similar to upside down icicles made of Packed Ice
- These ice spikes can reach y=120 from normal ground
- Lakes of packed ice are dotted around the biome
- Deep Ocean
- Is about ten blocks deeper than normal oceans, the maximum depth is in the low 30s
- Biome Variants/Technical Biomes
- Over 20 variants for the biomes.
- M - Biomes with an M variant are much rarer than any other variant.
- Extreme Hills M, Taiga M, Roofed Forest M, JungleEdge M, Birch Forest Hills M, Cold Taiga M, Extreme Hills+ M, Savanna M, Savanna Plateau M, Swampland M, Jungle M, Mesa Plateau M and Mesa Plateau F M are more mountainous versions of their normal biome counterpart.
- Desert M has patches of water unlike normal deserts
- Birch Forest M has taller birch trees than usual
- Savanna M has grassless dirt and mountains that can generate above the clouds and up to Y: 220 on rare occasions
- Plateau - Biomes with a Plateau variant are like the hills technical biome, but flattened at the top
- Savanna Plateau and Mesa Plateau are both plateaus
- These are landforms which are raised by up to about 30 blocks and have flat tops
- Mesa Plateau F - A variant of the plateau with trees
- Mesa (Bryce) - A rare variant of the Mesa biome which works similar to ice spikes with tall clay spikes generating from the sandy mesa floor.
- Hills - More technical hills biomes have been added to fit with the new biomes.
- Birch Forest Hills, Cold Taiga Hills, and Mega Taiga Hills can now be generated.
- Beach - New beaches separate certain biomes from oceans and rivers.
- Stone Beach is composed mainly of Stone and often generates between an Extreme Hills biome and a body of water.
- Cold Beach is composed of Sand with a layer of Snow on top.
- Usually generates between a cold biome, such as Ice Plains, and a body of water.
- World type
- Amplifies the terrain hugely, using the entire world height
- Almost all biomes can generate huge mountains that can reach well above Y: 200
- Extreme Hills biomes frequently reach the world height limit at Y: 256
- Swampland and ocean biomes unaffected by this world type
- Extremely resource intensive and requires powerful computer to run
- Ravines here can reach down to bedrock
- Contains numerous various landforms that are very rare or non-existent in default generation
- Some examples include floating islands, overhangs, large water and lava falls and huge indents
- Taiga biomes reach such altitudes that snow starts generating (about Y: 130)
- This will cause great lag if your computer is slow
Improvements & Changes
- Biomes
- Jungle
- Melons can now be found in Jungle Biomes in patches similar to Pumpkins
- Jungle biomes have been made much rarer
- Has a Jungle Edge which has less foliage, but slowly leads into the main jungle
- Jungle trees now have branches
- Swampland
- Grass is greener and fluctuates more in color, depending on biome temperature
- In shallower parts, the coast is covered in staggered dirt block with lilypads between them
- Spawn with Blue Orchid flowers
- Plains
- Now spawns with three of the new flowers - azure bluets, oxeye daisies and sometimes tulips
- Double tall grass also generates here
- Extreme Hills
- Snow at high elevations of over y=95
- Contain Stone and large dirt patches
- Gravel can replace ground cover
- Flat valleys near sea level
- Can generate up to y=150, slightly above the clouds (previously y=124)
- Has much more height variation and has flat parts as well, as opposed to the previous extreme hills which forced endless high peaks to generate
- Ocean[12][13][14]
- Oceans are smaller and take up much less of the map[11]
- Contain only gravel on the floor instead of sand, dirt, and gravel
- Gravel Beaches
- Categorisation of Biomes
- Four main categories based on temperature[11]
- Snow-covered, cold, medium, dry/warm
- Placement of Biomes
- Biomes will attempt to avoid getting placed next to a biome that is too different to itself[11]
- Elevation of Biomes
- Much greater variation of elevation in general
- Most biomes can generate to y=100
- Hills technical biomes have been made taller
- Modified the temperature system
- Each biome has a base temperature that determines whether the biome is snow-covered, whether it rains or snows, or whether it rains at all
- Biomes with a base temperature of 0.15 or less snow instead of rain
- Biomes with a base temperature of 1.5 or greater don't rain[citation needed]
- Biomes are grouped according to their temperature and attempt to generate next to biomes with similar temperatures
- Temperature decreases by 0.05 every 30 blocks increase in altitude
- Extreme Hills generate snow because of this at about y=95 as their ground base temperature is 0.2
- Caverns
- Are now less dense and interconnected
- Bonus Chests
- Bonus chests now also contain Acacia logs
Blocks & Items
- Wood Varieties
- Acacia Wood
- Silver outside with orange inside
- Makes up the Acacia Tree, found in Savanna biomes
- Dark Oak Wood
- A darker version of the Oak Wood
- Makes up the Dark Oak Tree, found in Roofed Forest biomes
- Acacia Wood Planks
- Dark Oak Wood Planks
- Same texture as normal oak planks but darkened almost black
- Acacia and Dark Oak Wood Slabs
- Acacia and Dark Oak Wood Stairs
- Saplings
- Acacia Sapling, found in savannas
- Dark Oak Sapling, found in roofed forests
- Must have 4 saplings placed in a 2x2 square to be grown, much like Big Jungle Trees
- 2x2 spruce saplings now create the large spruce trees from Mega Taiga biomes
- Leaves
- Acacia leaves
- Dark Oak leaves
- Both visually identical to oak leaves
- Fish
- Pufferfish
- Restores
- If eaten, you will be given Poison IV for 1 minute, Hunger III and Nausea II for 15 seconds
- Used to brew a water breathing potion
- Salmon
- Can be cooked and eaten
- Uncooked: Restores
- Cooked: Restores
- Clownfish
- Usage still unknown besides being eaten and used to tame Ocelots
- Restores
- Packed Ice
- When broken, does not turn to water like normal ice blocks do
- Does not melt
- Opaque, rather than translucent like normal ice
- Podzol
- New dirt variation
- Only found in Mega Taiga Biomes
- Grassless Dirt
- Grass can not grow on it
- Obtainable only through /give
- Red Sand
- Generated in the Mesa biome
- Behaves like normal sand (can be smelted into Glass and crafted into TNT)
- Flowers
- Red, Orange, White and Pink Tulips
- Can be crafted to Red, Orange, Light Gray, and Pink Dyes, respectively
- Blue Orchid
- Can be crafted to Light Blue Dye
- Allium
- Can be crafted to Magenta Dye
- Azure Bluet
- Can be crafted to Light Gray Dye
- Oxeye Daisy
- Can be crafted to Light Gray Dye
- Poppy
- Replacement for the rose - roses no longer exist
- All flowers can burn
- All flowers and grasses are now randomly offset to the sides like tall grass
- Two blocks tall Flowers
- Applying bonemeal to them causes them to dispense a flower item that can be collected. Therefore, all two blocks tall flowers are renewable.
- Sunflowers
- Typically face East
- Can be grown, unlike Roses and Dandelions
- Can be crafted into 2 Yellow Dye
- Peonies
- Can be crafted into 2 Pink Dye
- Rose bush
- Can be crafted into 2 Red Dye
- Lilac
- Can be crafted into 2 Magenta Dye
- Two block tall grass
- Double Tallgrass
- Large Fern
- Can be made by applying Bone Meal to Fern.
- New variants of Monster Egg
- Includes Mossy Stone Brick Monster Egg, Cracked Stone Brick Monster Egg and Chiseled Stone Brick Monster Egg.
- Added to fix a bug where Silverfish entering Mossy, Cracked, or Chiseled Stone Brick would cause the block to change into regular Stone Brick.
- Minecart with Command Block
- Can only be obtained using /give (item ID minecraft:command_block_minecart) or /summon (entity ID MinecartCommandBlock)
- Activate using activator rails
- Run their command every 2 redstone ticks when powered (activates once when passing over an activator rail at full speed)
- Can be success tested by going over a detector rail connected to a Redstone comparator
- Potion of Water Breathing
- Made by brewing a Pufferfish with an Awkward Potion
- Enables you to breathe underwater for 3 minutes without oxygen bar depleting
- The potion is dark blue in appearance
- Stained Glass
- Glass can now be dyed into all 16 colours
- This is done by putting a coloured dye in the centre of a crafting table and surrounding it with 8 pieces of normal glass, yielding 8 stained glass
- Stained glass can be crafted into stained glass panes using the same recipe as normal glass panes
- Doing this yields 16 stained glass planes, like normal glass
- Water, nether portals, and other stained glass blocks remain visible when looked at through a stained glass block
- The colour of blocks they are placed on are tinted towards the colour of the glass
- This includes glass of two different colours behind one another
Improvements & Changes
- Wood
- Wooden logs now have different textures for their top and bottom (with the exception of Oak Logs)
- Written Books
- Can now be cloned the same way maps can, but by using Book and Quills instead of Empty Maps.
- Can clone multiple copies of the same Written Book by putting more Book and Quills in the crafting grid.
- Can now be stacked (up to 16 per stack)
- Item Frames
- Now drop the item inside them when punched, then drop themselves if they are punched when empty[15]
- Will display the name of the item they hold (if it is custom-named) when looked at up close
- Maps now display on a full block basis and no longer display player markers
- Weighted Pressure Plates
- Now output a signal relative to the amount of entities on them, always starting at 1 signal strength if any entities are present
- For Light Weighted Pressure Plates, every entity adds 1 strength to the signal
- For Heavy Weighted Pressure Plates, starting at 1, every 10 entities adds 1 strength to the signal (Example: 11 entities increases signal strength to 2)
- Sugar Cane
- Color/shade is now affected by the biome color (similar to leaves, grass, vines, etc.)
- Flint and Steel
- Is now a shapeless crafting recipe.
- Can now be used to ignite Creepers
- Dead Bushes
- Can now be placed on Hardened Clay, Stained Clay, and Dirt.
- Command Blocks
- Now show what command it ran recently.
- Extended character command limit to "many thousand characters".
- Armor, Bows, Fishing Rods & Swords
- Can now get the Unbreaking enchantment from enchantment tables
- Technical blocks
- Many technical block items removed (see Technical Blocks page for complete list)
- Removed Locked Chest
- Maps
- Maps in item frames now cover the whole block so that connected maps join together smoothly. The item frame can only be seen when viewed from the side.
- Now show colors for Colored Wool and Stained Clay, allowing a wider range of colors visible on maps
- Each different type of block has a different shading on the map
- Ice, Portals & Water
- Now visible through each other
- If Water is directly adjacent to Ice, when looking through the ice you cannot see the Water. However, you can see the Ice when looking through Water.
- If Water is not directly adjacent to Ice, you can see the Water when looking through the Ice
- You can no longer see the Water surface from underwater
- Iron Bars & Glass Panes
- Now connect to each other and Glass
- Are now 2 pixels thick
- Cauldrons
- Cauldrons with water in them will now put out burning entities, taking away one water level each time
- Boats
- No longer inflict fall damage when running aground - replace existing Boats to fix them
- Slightly improved boats being broken by Lily Pads
- Boats have been reverted to the previous WASD controls
- Note that the A and D keys can be used only while the W key is pressed
- Boats & Minecarts
- Players can now "sprint" in boats and minecarts which speeds them up slightly
- Wooden Slabs
- When used as a fuel they can now smelt only half as many items as wood
- Air
- Is now a block rather than the absence of a block (although cannot be kept in one's inventory)
Improvements & Changes
- Iron Golems
- Now drop poppies instead of roses
- Creepers
- Zombies
- Reduced the lag that zombies create
- Spiders, Cave Spiders, & Endermen
- Don't become hostile when attacking them in Creative Mode
- Baby Zombies & Baby Zombie Pigmen
- Can now walk in one block tall spaces, but their hitbox remains the size of that of an adult
- Zombies & Skeletons
- Zombies and Skeletons can now spawn with and drop armour, bows and swords enchanted with the Unbreaking Enchantment
- Witches
- Can drop a Potion of Water Breathing upon death as a rare drop
- Now drink a Potion of Water Breathing when they are trapped underwater
- Have been added to the mix of low light-level hostile mobs, now spawning anywhere where the light level is below 7, including at night in every biome and in caverns
- They usually spawn in pairs
- They have roughly the same spawn rate as the Enderman
- Witch Huts now generate with a Witch inside.
- They formerly generated empty with Witches spawning inside later.
- Horses
- Players can now "sprint" on horses making them go slightly faster
Bug Fixes
Fixed 99 Bugs:
- MC-242 – Sprinting works inconsistently - very aggravating on PVP servers
- MC-673 – Sky/lighting doesn't get darker during a thunderstorm
- MC-715 – V-Sync in Window mode, settings not activated between sessions.
- MC-881 – Boat inflicts fall damage if it runs aground in some fashion (Slabs, Mobs, Soul Sand)
- MC-944 – Armor with Protection on it seems to reduce against hunger damage
- MC-1000 - Some Zombie Pigmen are missing their swords in the nether
- MC-1018 – Black Lighting under overhangs
- MC-1105 – Villagers act like it is Raining when they are in the Desert, and it Rains elsewhere.
- MC-1262 - Birch and Spruce trees do not grow directly next to one another
- MC-1379 – Transparent texture makes transparent texture behind invisible
- MC-1769 - X-Ray by standing inside TNT/Glowstone/Block of Redstone/Leaves (fast)
- MC-1865 - Spawn eggs and firework stars are pure white when held by zombies
- MC-2638 – Once hit old AI mobs and Wolves don't turn back to passive in Creative until they die or despawn
- MC-2915 – Attempting to tp to an invalid coordinate returns "commands.generic.double.invalid"
- MC-3305 – Cyrillic font not displaying on signs and in chat (Russian language)
- MC-3575 - Double-clicking to join a server results in 'cancel' button activating
- MC-3871 – Cauldron water does not put out fire / damage blaze
- MC-3973 – Silk Touch, pre-lit Redstone Lamps
- MC-4150 – Baby Zombies do not drop any loot / xp
- MC-4482 – Saplings placed on Farmland are not affected by Bonemeal
- MC-4592 – When mobs start to attack you in survival and you switch to creative mobs keep attacking you
- MC-4630 - Sound level resets
- MC-4732 – Tools and weapons lose durability without doing damage
- MC-4921 – Sounds (e.g. Mobs / Portals / Water) Don't Immediately Fade
- MC-4973 – Zombie Pigman from Nether Portal still spawns even if doMobSpawning is false
- MC-5238 – 10 MB server texture pack limit too small
- MC-5305 – Arrows from a flame bow aren't extinguished from rain but are extinguished from other water.
- MC-5550 – Night Time Doesn't Immediately Allow Sleep
- MC-6820 – The generation of terrain surface layer produces local straight glitches (fix included)
- MC-7449 – Silverfish enter Chiseled Stone Brick, and the Chiseled Stone Brick appears as normal stone brick.
- MC-8331 – Command block text disappears if too long
- MC-9271 – Opening a singleplayer world is counted as a multiplayer join in the statistics
- MC-9547 – Incorrect usage string for `/scoreboard teams empty`
- MC-9686 - Right- and left clicking at the same time will cause a block to be placed on top of a block which then gets removed
- MC-10077 – Adjacent Obsidian Blocks prevent Nether portal appearing
- MC-10257 – When a pig gets struck by lightning it spawns a Zombie Pigman without a sword
- MC-10984 – GS4 query listener fails to send player list when len(players) > 127
- MC-11027 – Axes accelarate the speed at which Slabs are broken
- MC-11037 - Uncapped framerate in certain screens causes high levels of GPU usage
- MC-11280 – Sometimes Water flows out of newly generated Village Farms
- MC-11518 – RCON and Scoreboard Command Output Formatting
- MC-12450 – Missing usage string commands.scoreboard.players.list.usage
- MC-12452 – Scoreboard team join command fails on invalid team name
- MC-12454 – Scoreboard option seeFriendlyInvisibles not listed in usage
- MC-12541 – The letters for the 'off' setting on smooth lighting aren't capitalised
- MC-12731 – Minecraft crashes if you click edit or delete on a LAN game
- MC-12769 – when typing /help with a number higher than 4, it produces the wrong message
- MC-12984 – getting a locked chest pushed into your head crashes the game
- MC-13565 – Fireworks sometimes don't stack when they should
- MC-13661 – When re-sizing window before game loads internal view doesn't resize
- MC-14165 - Attaching/detaching lead from far away in creative client-server desync
- MC-14483 - When game opens in Fullscreen, Realms Button Mis-Placed
- MC-14518 - When you try to get on a horse from far away, you look a different direction
- MC-14865 – Carpets Are Not Flammable
- MC-15189 - Cobblestone Wall with blocks on top shows black light on its north side with Maximum Smooth Lighting
- MC-15193 - Invisible Mooshrooms after shearing them through slabs
- MC-15548 - Breeding mobs from far away in creative client-server desync
- MC-15688 – Axe breaks all slabs in adventure mode. No drops for stone.
- MC-16324 – Massive Amount of "[SEVERE] Reached end of stream" messages in Minecraft server terminal when client pings the server
- MC-16435 – Boats Still Break on Lily's
- MC-16849 – Crash near pyramid
- MC-16910 – Packet250CustomPayload(dk)
- MC-17090 – Invalid teamcolors throw an NPE in the console rather than an error message "invalid color"
- MC-18569 – Server resourcepacks not implemented yet
- MC-18672 – Textures disappearing after setting player walkSpeed to 0
- MC-19483 – sounds playing after leaving world
- MC-19604 – Cannot /playsound records
- MC-19623 - /playsound does not accept non-integer values
- MC-19654 - Passive mobs don't spawn if you're riding a horse
- MC-21223 - When fishing, sometimes the 'splash' noise when the bobber goes underwater does not exist
- MC-21870 – Screen goes blank when modifying walk speed
- MC-22927 – Animals running forever after being hit
- MC-25311 - Loading bar for Minecraft Realms/Online is bugged
- MC-26151 – Minecraft has advice on an error report that should be deleted.
- MC-26608 – /spreadplayers confirmation text is wrong
- MC-26660 – Constant minecart sound
- MC-27284 – /scoreboard teams option color: Tab doesn't list all options.
- MC-27364 - Fullscreen mode displays only on part of screen
- MC-27904 – The Hindi, Malay and Norsk (Bokmål) language appear 2 times
- MC-28400 – Breeding animals gives xp even if doMobLoot gamerule is false
- MC-28405 – The saddle equip sound effect does not play when equipping a pig with a saddle.
- MC-28478 – Successful hit sound effect does not match the sound in the assets sound folder
- MC-28625 – The horse armor equip sound does not play when replacing it with already equipped armour
- MC-28768 – Horse Breeding Doesn't Produce Markings Correctly on Foal
- MC-29088 – Shearing sound does not play when shearing a mooshroom
- MC-29279 – Bug: the command block can be damaged by the explosion of Blue Wither Skulls
- MC-29321 – Jukeboxes play at the sound volume for effects until you change the music volume
- MC-29361 – Oceans are too big
- MC-29424 – Players appear offset for other clients after going through nether portals
- MC-31031 – Spawn eggs can be used on top of water, but not lava
- MC-32250 – Typo on "Unable to Load Worlds" screen
- MC-33093 - Cannot enter fullscreen reliably on Linux
- MC-33108 - Incorrect death messages after PvP
- MC-34617 - Animation crash if frame #0 is not referenced
- MC-35343 - Canadian English Language Selection Screen
- MC-35718 - Language is broken