La '''comida''' se usa para restaurar la barra de hambre. Cuando la barra de hambre esté llena, tu vida se regenerará automáticamente
Excepto por la [[leche]], [[sopa de champiñones]] y [[tarta]], la comida e ingredientes pueden apilarse en el inventario. Manteniento pulsado el botón "usar objeto" (por defecto el botón derecho del ratón), el jugador consume la comida. A excepción de las [[manzana dorada]]s, la comida no se consumirá si la barra de hambre está llena. La tarta tiene que ser puesta como la mayoría de bloques para poder comerla.
! ValueNombe! class="unsortable" | FoodImagen! Cantidad que regenera! Recurso(s)! Saturación restaurada<br>(efectos adicionales)! Calidad eficaz (Cantidad que regenera + Saturación)
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" |2.4<span id="Baked Potato">[[Patata cocida]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|Golden CarrotBaked Potato}}| {{GridHungerbar|Golden Apple6}}| Cocinando una [[Patata]] en un [[Horno]]| 7,2| 13,2
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" |1.6<span id="Bread">[[Pan]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|Cooked PorkchopBread}}| {{GridHungerbar|Steak5}}{{Grid| Fabricado, en cofres de mazmorras,en los cofres de las casas de los NPC,en cofres abandonados,en cofres de bonus<br>[[Comercio|Intercambio con aldeanos]]|Cooked Salmon}}{{Grid 6|Spider Eye}} 11
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" |1.2<span id="Cake">[[Tarta]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|Baked PotatoCake}}| {{Gridhungerbar|Cooked Chicken12}}<br>(seis usos - {{Gridhungerbar|Mushroom Stew2}}{{Gridpor cada uso)|Bread}}{{Grid Elaboración.|Cooked Fish}}{{Grid 2,4<br>(seis usos - 0,4 por cada uso)|Carrot}} 14,4<br>(seis usos - 2,4 por cada uso)
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" |0.6<span id="Carrot">[[Zanahoria]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|Pumpkin PieCarrot}}{{Grid|Apple}} {{GridHungerbar|Raw Beef4}}{{Grid|Raw Porkchop}}{{Grid Matando [[Zombi]]s<br>Cosechando zanahorias|Raw Chicken}}{{Grid 4,8|Poisonous Potato}}{{Grid|Melon}}{{Grid|Potato}} 8,8
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" |0.2<span id="Cooked Chicken">[[Pollo cocido]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|CakeCooked Chicken}}{{Grid|Cookie}} {{GridHungerbar|Rotten Flesh6}}{{Grid|Raw Fish}}{{Grid Cocinando un [[Pollo crudo]]<br>Quemando [[pollo]]s con fuego<br>[[Comercio|Clownfish}}{{GridIntercambio con aldeanos]]|Pufferfish}}{{Grid|Raw Salmon}} 7,2|} 13,2
|- style="text-align: center;"! scope= Foods ="row" | <span id="Cooked Fish">[[Pescado cocido]]</span>| {{Grid2|Cooked Fish}}| {{/tableHungerbar|5}}| Cocinando un [[Pescado crudo]]| 6| 11
|- style="text-align: center;"! scope="row" | <span id= Ingredients ==="Cooked_Porkchop">[[Chuleta de cerdo cocinada]]</span>| {{Grid2|Cooked Porkchop}}| {{Hungerbar|8}}| Cocinando una [[Chuleta de cerdo cruda]]<br>Quemando [[cerdo]]s con fuego<br>[[Comercio|Intercambio con aldeanos]]| 12,8| 20,8
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" | <span id="BowlGolden Carrot">[[BowlZanahoria dorada]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|BowlGolden Carrot}}| {{Hungerbar|6}}| [[CraftingZanahoria dorada|Fabricación]]<br>[[Fishing Rod#Usage|Fishing]] 14,4| [[Mushroom Stew]]20,4
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" | <span id="Cocoa BeanMelon Slice">[[Cocoa BeansMelón (rodaja)|Rodaja de melón]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|Melon Slice}}| {{Hungerbar|Cocoa Beans2}}| Cosechando un bloque de [[Dungeon#Chest contents|Dungeon chestsmelón]]<br>Breaking [[Cocoa PlantComercio|Intercambio con aldeanos]]s| [[Cookies]]1,2| 3,2
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" | <span id="EggMushroom_Stew">[[EggSopa de champiñones]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|EggMushroom Stew}}| {{Hungerbar|6}}| Laid by [[chickenSopa de champiñones|Fabricación]]s| [[Cake]]<br>[[Pumpkin Pie]]7,2| 13,2
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" | <span id="Brown MushroomPoisonous Potato">[[Brown MushroomPatata venenosa]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|Brown MushroomPoisonous Potato}}| Dark/shady areas<br>Swamp [[biomes]]<br>[[Mushroom Biome{{Hungerbar|2}}| Cosechando plantas de patata|Mushroom biomes]] 1,2<br>Breaking [[Huge Mushroom|huge brown mushrooms]](100% de probabilidades de envenenarse)| [[Mushroom Stew]]3,2
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" | <span id="Red MushroomPotato">[[Red MushroomPatata]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|Red MushroomPotato}}| Dark/shady areas<br>Swamp {{Hungerbar|1}}| Matando [[biomeszombi]]es<br>[[Mushroom BiomeCosechando plantas de patata|Mushroom biomes]]<br>Breaking [[Huge Mushroom|huge red mushrooms]]<br>Using [[shears]] on a [[Mooshroom]] 0,6| [[Mushroom Stew]]1,6
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" | <span id="PumpkinPie">[[PumpkinTarta de calabaza]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|PumpkinPie}}| {{Hungerbar|8}}| Harvesting mature [[pumpkins]] grown from [[pumpkin seed]]<br>Naturally occurring [[pumpkinsTarta de calabaza|Fabricación]]| [[Pumpkin Pie]]4,8| 12,8
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" | <span id="SugarRaw Beef">[[SugarTernera cruda]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|SugarRaw Beef}}| [[Sugar{{Hungerbar|3}}| Matando vacas|Crafting]] [[sugar cane]] 1,8| [[Cake]]<br>[[Pumpkin Pie]]4,8
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" | <span id="WheatRaw Chicken">[[WheatPollo crudo]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|WheatRaw Chicken}}| Harvesting mature [[wheat]]<br>Found in [[Dungeon#Chest contents{{Hungerbar|dungeon chests]]2}}| Matando [[Breadpollo]]s| 1,2<br>[[Cake]](30% de probabilidad de de envenenamiento.)| 3,2<br>[[Cookies]](2,075)
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" | <span id="Gold NuggetRaw Fish">[[Gold NuggetPescado crudo]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|Gold NuggetRaw Fish}}| {{Hungerbar|2}}| [[Crafting]] <br> Dropped by [[Zombie PigmanPescar]]| [[Golden Carrot]]<br> 1,2| 3,2
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" | <span id="Gold IngotRaw Porkchop">[[Gold IngotChuleta de cerdo cruda]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|Gold IngotRaw Porkchop}}| {{Hungerbar|3}}| Matar [[Crafting]] <br> Rarely dropped by [[Zombie Pigmancerdo]]s| 1,8| [[Golden Apple]]<br> 4,8
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" | <span id="Gold BlockRed Apple">[[Gold BlockManzana]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|Block of GoldRed Apple}}| Crafting 9 {{Hungerbar|4}}| Cofres de [[gold ingotsStronghold]]| <br> [[Hoja]]s destruidas de los robles <br> Cofre del herrero de una [[aldea]] <br>[[Golden AppleChest#Bonus Chest|Cofres bonus]]<br>[[Comercio|Intercambio con aldeanos]]|} 2,4| 6,4
|- style="text-align: center;"
! scope="row" | <span id="MilkSteak">[[MilkFilete]]</span>| {{GridGrid2|MilkSteak}}| Milking a {{Hungerbar|8}}| Cocinar un [[ternera cruda]]<br>Quemando [[vaca]]s con [[Cowfuego]]| Clears <br>[[Potion effectsComercio|status effectsIntercambio con aldeanos]]| [[Cake]]12,8| 20,8
== Video Ingredientes para recetas ==Los huevos, leche, champiñones, trigo, y azúcar no regenerarán corazones a menos que se utilicen en una receta con otros ingredientes. {{/video}}| border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse; border-color: #555; background-color: #eee; width: 466px" cellpadding="5"|-align="center"!width="150"|Nombre!width="16"|Icono!width= History ="300"|Barra de hambre!width="350"|Cómo recoger|-Before Beta 1.8, food did not have an eating animation, simply disappearing from the player's hand as if a block had been placed. Food also restored a set amount of hearts instantly - a player could return from the brink of death during a fight almost immediately by consuming a few ! [[Cooked Porkchop|porkchopsHuevo]] or <span id="Egg"></span>| align="center"|[[Mushroom Stew|bowls of stew]]File:Crafting square Egg. To keep a certain level of challenge to the gameplay, [[Notchpng]] prevented players from taking advantage of this instant recovery by ensuring food (with the exception of the ingredients) did not stack in the inventory.| align="center"|NoWhen the | align="center"|De [[Hungergallina]] Bar was added in Beta 1.8, food became an even more vital resource as the player was required to eat regularly to avoid dying of starvation and regenerate health after taking damage. With the exception of Cake, Milk and Mushroom Stew, food could now stack to 64 in the player's inventory. Both types of mushroom could now be farmed by using |-! [[bone mealLeche]] on either individual mushroom to produce a <span id="Milk"></span>| align="center"|[[Huge MushroomFile:Crafting square Milk.png]] that dropped more fungi when harvested.| align="center"|NoThe first Beta 1.9 pre-release revealed two new sources for mushrooms - an entire | align="center"|Usa un [[biomecubo]] filled with con una [[Huge Mushroomsvaca]] and the |-! [[MooshroomChampiñón]], a strange red cow with red mushrooms growing on its back that could be milked with a [[bowl]] to collect rojo <span id="Red Mushroom"></span>| align="center"|[[File:Crafting square Red Mushroom Stew]] and [[shears]] to harvest the red mushrooms. However [[Mooshroompng]]s can only be found in [[Biome#Mushroom Biome| align="center"|Mushroom Biomes]] which are extremely rare and difficult to find.No| align="center"|Del medio ambienteIn the second pre|-release of Beta 1.9, Jeb said that ! [[MilkChampiñón]] now acted as a marrón <span id="clear-everything drinkBrown Mushroom"><ref/span>{{tweet|jebalign="center"|119842906528944129}}</ref> to nullify the effects of [[potions]] and [[poison]]sFile:Crafting square Brown Mushroom. [[Spiderpng]]s also dropped [[Spider Eye| align="center"|eyes]] that could be crafted with [[sugar]] and a [[mushroomNo|brown mushrooms]] to produce brewing ingredient, [[Fermented Spider Eyealign="center"|fermented spider eyes]].Del medio ambiente|-In the 1.3 Version, ! [[Cocoa BeansTrigo]], that were once only obtainable from treasure chests in [[Dungeon]]s and [[Abandoned Mineshaft]]s were made into a crop that can be farmed, thus making all food items a renewable resource.<span id="Wheat"></span> From ''Minecraft'' 1.4 (Snapshot 12w34a), [[potato]]es and [[carrot]]s can be obtainable from zombies (rare drop) or harvested. Potatoes can be cooked to make [[Baked Potato|baked potatoes]], and harvesting potatoes may give 0-2 [[Poisonous Potatoalign="center"|poisonous potatoes]]. Also, carrots can be crafted into [[Golden Carrot|golden carrots]]File:Crafting square Wheat.And also in 1.4, [[Pumpkin Piepng]]s are added to the game. These are not cooked, but rather crafted by combining a pumpkin, an egg and sugar. From this, pumpkins are now a food ingredient.| align="center"|No| align== Trivia =="center"|Se debe cosechar|-* There is no hunger bar in ! [[Pocket EditionAzúcar]]. Instead, foods restore health, like Beta 1.7.3 and earlier.<span id="Sugar"></span>* Each and every type of food is [[Renewable Resources|fully renewable]] (including gold food since align="center"|[[Zombie PigmenFile:Crafting square Sugar.png]] drop nuggets and ingots of gold).* You can eat while you are going to sleep, breaking blocks, and climbing vines/ladders.* It is impossible to damage another entity while eating.* When you eat stew, the brown particles of the bowl spray out as well, making it seem like you are eating the bowl. Also, it makes a | align="chewingcenter" sound effect rather than |No| align="slurpingcenter" (as milk and potions do) further suggesting you are actually eating the bowl. Despite all this, the bowl is retrieved with no damage whatsoever.* The player cannot consume anything in Creative mode except milk and |Se debe hacer a partir de la [[potioncaña de azucar]]s.* In 1.5, when eating over water, the particles will all appear as if under water.|-*When eating while if you mouseover a ! [[doorSemillas de cacao]], it will open and close extremely fast, if you mouseover any type of storage block, it will be entered, blocks in your hand will be constantly placed at a great speed, and <span id="Cocoa_Beans"></span>| align="center"|[[snowball]]s and [[egg]]s will be fired at a rapid paceFile:Crafting square Cocoa_Beans.* The most effective time to eat is when climbing [[ladderpng]]s, because that is one of the few times that eating will not slow you down.| align="center"|No| align== References =="center"|Se debe cosechar en arboles de selva|-{{reflist}|}