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Generador de Monstruos

2333 bytes eliminados, 10:48 29 jul 2014
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Summary of maximum spawn volumes for common monster spawnersResumen del volumen máximo de desove de monstruos comunes
! Mob typeTipo de Monstruo! Required VolumeVolumen requerido! Failure rate from 8×8×4 volume<ref group="note">8×8×3 is the actual volume across which spawners spawn entities, but this volume only contains the entity's ''center''. The failure rate assumes 8×8×4 because it is a popular misconception that 8×8×4 is the maximum efficiency volume of empty space for mob spawners - it actually depends on the size of the entities themselves. Note that 10x10x4 is '''guaranteed''' to accommodate all of the above mobs. Also note that this failure rate only accounts for failures due to attempting to spawn a mob at the edges of the spawn range, not other causes of failure such as mobs attempting to spawn intersecting the spawner block itself.</ref>! Vertical<br>alignmentTasa de fracaso de 8 × 8 × 4 volumen
| {{EntityLink|Pig}}
<references group="note"/>
For all of the volumes listed in the tablePara todos los volúmenes que aparecen en la tabla, the el plano horizontal plane is centered on the northwestern corner of the spawner blockse centra en la esquina noroeste del bloque de reproductores. While the spawning volume for pigs is Mientras que el volumen de desove para los cerdos es de 8.,9 × 8.,9 × 2.9, the requirement of grass blocks that are necessary for pigs to spawn will reduce the actual volume in which they successfully spawn. The block will attempt to spawn 4 mobs at randomly chosen points within the spawning area, then wait anywhere from 200 to 799 ticks (10 to 39.95 seconds) before spawning again. As it waits, the mob inside the block will spin faster and faster. Except for spawning on a solid block, all of the usual requirements for spawning must be met (not in a solid block, correct light level, etc.), so the spawner will often produce fewer than 4 mobs. When it does spawn, it will "poof", and more lightless flames will temporarily appear around the Spawn block. If the block fails to spawn any mobs because it did not pick any suitable locations, it will repeat this process every [[tick]] until it succeeds. Only when it manages to spawn at least one mob will it start waiting for the next cycle. If, at the time of spawning, 6 or more monsters of the block's type are present within a 17 × 9 × 17 area (17 wide and 9 high and 17 long), centered on the spawner block, the spawner "poofs" without creating any monsters and then waits for the next cycle. However if the monsters created by the spawner keep leaving the specified area then the monster spawner will continue spawning mobs indefinitely, provided the player is still within range. In [[Peaceful]] [[difficulty]], Monster Spawner blocks will still appear, but any spawned [[hostile]] mobs will disappear the instant they spawn. ([[Zombie Pigmen]], [[Magma Cubes]], and [[Ghasts]] will not spawn at all.) This makes it easy to make the traps without being troubled by the mobs. The brief instant that the monster exists in the world before being removed is enough time for the player to be pushed around, for the sound file to playel requisito de colocar bloques de césped debajo del generador es necesario para que los cerdos aparezcan, and occasionally for Skeletons to fire arrowsaunque reducirá el volumen real en el que se reproducen con éxito.
=== Algoritmo detallado ===
if all si los 4 mobs failed to spawnno logran aparecer, repeat on the next tickse repite el pulso

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