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Generador de Monstruos

5 bytes eliminados, 10:16 29 jul 2014
Detailed spawning algorithm
In [[Peaceful]] [[difficulty]], Monster Spawner blocks will still appear, but any spawned [[hostile]] mobs will disappear the instant they spawn. ([[Zombie Pigmen]], [[Magma Cubes]], and [[Ghasts]] will not spawn at all.) This makes it easy to make the traps without being troubled by the mobs. The brief instant that the monster exists in the world before being removed is enough time for the player to be pushed around, for the sound file to play, and occasionally for Skeletons to fire arrows.
=== Detailed spawning algorithm Algoritmo detallado ===
This Este pseudo-code is derived from the decompiled código se deriva de la fuente descompilada source of 1.4.2.
every spawn cycle (every randInt(200,799) ticks when a player is within
if all 4 mobs failed to spawn, repeat on the next tick
== Curiosidades ==

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