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Ender Chest

10 bytes añadidos, 00:21 11 jul 2014
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'''Ender Chests''' son un tipo de [[baúl]] que puede almacenar items. Funcionan como un [[baúl]] normal, excepto que el contenido es compartido con todos los [[Ender Chest]] en cualquier otro sitio, incluso en diferentes dimensiones. Unlike A diferencia del [[baúl]] normal chests, they won't break if there is an explosion near itestos no se romperan si hay una explosión cerca. Despite being created out of ObsidianA pesar de ser creados con obsidiana, they aren't safe from no estarán a salvo de [[Ender Dragon]]s.
Ender Chests do not drop their contents when broken. Items placed inside will remain present even if all instances of them are destroyed, and can be accessed by placing a new Ender Chest. Ender Chests have half the blast resistance of [[obsidiana]], making them still immune to [[explosión]]s. They also emit [[light]] and a [[particles|particle effect]] similar to that of an [[enderman]] and [[Nether Portal]]. En el [[multijugador]], el ender chest es un inventario aparte del normal. Destroying one will only drop 8 obsidian (unless broken using a [[pickaxe]] enchanted with [[Silk Touch]]), meaning another [[ojo de ender]] would be required to be crafted again.<ref>{{tweet|jeb|212517695487344640}}</ref>

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