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100 bytes añadidos, 22:04 11 feb 2016
Caterorías de sonidos de bloque
| cloth || Wool<br>Cactus<br>Cake<br>Carpet<br>Fire || Fire's destruction sound is random.fizz instead of dig.cloth.
| grass || Grass Block<br>Sponge<br>Wet Sponge<br>Leaves<br>Tall Grass<br>Fern<br>Dead Bush<br>Flowers<br>Brown Mushroom<br>Red Mushroom<br>TNT<br>Wheat<br>Sugar Canes<br>Vines<br>Mycelium<br>Lily Pad<br>Carrots<br>Potatoes<br>Hay Bale || WheatEl trigo, Lily Padslos nenúfares, Carrotszanahorias, and Potatoes do not make a sound when placedpatatas no hacen un sonido cuando se colocan.
| gravel || Dirt<br>Coarse Dirt<br>Podzol<br>Gravel<br>Farmland<br>Clay ||
| snow || Snow (cover)<br>Snow Block ||
| stone || Stone<br>Granite<br>Polished Granite<br>Diorite<br>Polished Diorite<br>Andesite<br>Polished Andesite<br>Cobblestone<br>Bedrock<br>Gold Ore<br>Iron Ore<br>Coal Ore<br>Lapis Lazuli Ore<br>Lapis Lazuli Block<br>Dispenser<br>Sandstone<br>Note Block<br>Powered Rail<br>Detector Rail<br>Sticky Piston<br>Cobweb<br>Piston<br>Block of Gold<br>Block of Iron<br>Stone Slab<br>Bricks<br>Mossy Cobblestone<br>Obsidian<br>Monster Spawner<br>Redstone Wire<br>Diamond Ore<br>Block of Diamond<br>Furnace<br>Rail<br>Cobblestone Stairs<br>Stone Pressure Plate<br>Iron Door<br>Redstone Ore<br>Stone Button<br>Jukebox<br>Netherrack<br>Monster Egg<br>Stone Bricks<br>Iron Bars<br>Brick Stairs<br>Stone Brick Stairs<br>Nether Bricks<br>Nether Brick Fence<br>Nether Brick Stairs<br>Nether Wart<br>Enchantment Table<br>Brewing Stand<br>Cauldron<br>End Portal<br>End Stone<br>Dragon Egg<br>Redstone Lamp<br>Sandstone Stairs<br>Emerald Ore<br>Ender Chest<br>Tripwire Hook<br>Tripwire<br>Block of Emerald<br>Command Block<br>Beacon<br>Cobblestone Wall<br>Flower Pot<br>Head<br>Anvil<br>Block of Redstone<br>Nether Quartz Ore<br>Hopper<br>Block of Quartz<br>Quartz Stairs<br>Activator Rail<br>Dropper<br>Stained Clay<br>Barrier<br>Iron Trapdoor<br>Prismarine<br>Prismarine Bricks<br>Dark Prismarine<br>Hardened Clay<br>Block of Coal<br>Red Sandstone<br>Red Sandstone Stairs<br>Red Sandstone Slab || Note Blocks and Jukeboxes are the only blocks in this category that are mined with an Axe instead of a PickaxeLos bloques musicales y tocadiscos son los únicos bloques en esta categoría que se extraen con un hacha en lugar de un pico.<br>El cable de Redstone Wire, Iron Doors, and Nether Wart do not make a sound when placedpuerta de hierro y verruga abisal no hacen un sonido cuando se coloca.
| wood || Oak Wood Planks<br>Spruce Wood Planks<br>Birch Wood Planks<br>Jungle Wood Planks<br>Acacia Wood Planks<br>Dark Oak Wood Planks<br>Oak Wood<br>Spruce Wood<br>Birch Wood<br>Jungle Wood<br>Bed<br>Bookshelf<br>Torch<br>Oak Wood Stairs<br>Chest<br>Crafting Table<br>Ladder<br>Sign<br>Lever<br>Wooden Pressure Plate<br>Redstone Torch<br>Oak Fence<br>Pumpkin<br>Jack-o'-Lantern<br>Redstone Repeater<br>Wooden Trapdoor<br>Huge Mushroom Block<br>Melon<br>Pumpkin Stem<br>Melon Stem<br>Oak Fence Gate<br>Oak Wood Slab<br>Spruce Wood Slab<br>Birch Wood Slab<br>Jungle Wood Slab<br>Acacia Wood Slab<br>Dark Oak Wood Slab<br>Cocoa Pod<br>Spruce Wood Stairs<br>Birch Wood Stairs<br>Jungle Wood Stairs<br>Wooden Button<br>Trapped Chest<br>Light Weighted Pressure Plate<br>Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate<br>Redstone Comparator<br>Daylight Sensor<br>Acacia Wood<br>Dark Oak Wood<br>Acacia Wood Stairs<br>Dark Oak Wood Stairs<br>Banner<br>Spruce Fence Gate<br>Birch Fence Gate<br>Jungle Fence Gate<br>Dark Oak Fence Gate<br>Acacia Fence Gate<br>Spruce Fence<br>Birch Fence<br>Jungle Fence<br>Dark Oak Fence<br>Acacia Fence<br>Spruce Door<br>Birch Door<br>Jungle Door<br>Acacia Door<br>Dark Oak Door || Weighted Pressure Plates are the only blocks in this category that are mined with a Pickaxe instead of an AxeLas placas de presión por peso son los únicos bloques en esta categoría que se extraen con un pico en lugar de un hacha.<br>BedsLas camas, Pumpkin Stemstallos de calabaza y sandía, Melon Stemsvainas de cacao, Cocoa Podsestandartes, Banners, and Doors do not make a sound when placedy puertas no hacen un sonido cuando se colocan.
| glass || Glass<br>Ice<br>Glowstone<br>Nether Portal<br>Stained Glass<br>Glass Pane<br>End Portal Frame<br>Stained Glass Pane<br>Sea Lantern<br>Packed Ice || These blocks use the walking and cracking sounds of Estos bloques utilizan el sonido de caminar y los crujidos de bloques de "stonepiedra" blocks, but their placement sound is pero su sonido de colocación es step.stone and their destruction sound is y su sonido de destrucción es
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