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Portal del inframundo

7 bytes eliminados, 18:28 9 abr 2015
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In single-player modes, or if distant from other players, moving between dimensions will cause the [[chunk]]s around the area you left to be unloaded. This effectively stops time in the dimension you left, until you return. This affects all ongoing processes, including animal and plant growth, [[furnace]] smelting, [[brewing]], and even primed [[TNT]]. This also means that when dying in the Nether (and respawning in the Overworld), your items will remain (lava and fire notwithstanding) until 5 minutes "after you return to the Nether," or nearby regions thereof (the chunk update radius also applies in the Nether). Note that in multiplayer modes, a nearby player can keep the chunks loaded, so this may not apply.
== Vinculación de portales entre el mundo real y el Inframundo ==
=== Conversión de coordenadas ===
Horizontal coordinates and distances in the Nether are proportional to the Overworld in a 1:8 ratio (1:3 in Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3 version). That is, by moving 1 block horizontally in the Nether, players have moved the equivalent of 8 blocks on the Overworld. This does not apply on the Y-axis, despite the Nether having only 128 layers. Thus, for a given location (X, Y, Z) in the Overworld, the corresponding coordinates in the Nether are (floor(X ÷ 8), Y, floor(Z ÷ 8)) (the [ Java floor() method] gives the largest integer less than or equal to the argument, so an X- or Z-coordinate of -29.5 becomes -30, not -29). Conversely, for a location (X, Y, Z) in the Nether, the matching Overworld coordinates are (floor(X × 8), Y, floor(Z × 8)). However, in the Xbox and PlayStation 3 versions, the values are multiplied or divided by 3 instead of 8, because of the smaller world size.
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