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10 bytes añadidos, 17:27 2 dic 2014
* "That's Numberwang!"
* "pls rt"
* "Do you want to join my server¿Quieres unirte a mi servidor?"* "Put a little fence around itPoner un poco alrededor de él!"* "Throw a blanket over itPoner la capa sobre el!"
* "One day, somewhere in the future, my work will be quoted!"
* "Now with additional stuff!"
* "Cruising streets for gold!"
* "Take an eggbeater and beat it against a skillet!"
* "Make me a tableHazme una mesa, a funky tableuna mesa de miedo!"* "Take the elevator to the mezzanineCoger el ascensor hasta el entresuelo!"
* "Stop being reasonable, this is the Internet!"
* "/give @a hugs 64"
* "This is good for Esto es bueno para Realms."
* "Any computer is a laptop if you're brave enough!"
; [[Dificultad]]

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