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Historia de las Versiones

43 707 bytes añadidos, 17:57 13 abr 2014
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== Versión ==

{| class="mw-collapsible wikitable" style="width:100%"
!width="90"|Fecha en que se añadió
!Additions Summary
¡LEE la lista de cambios antes de que añadas algo que creas haber encontrado! Puede que no seas el primero. -->
| 1.7.8<ref></ref> || 9 de Abril, 2014 || {{anchor|1.7.6}}


''Véase [[1.7.8]], [[1.7.7]] y [[1.7.6]]''

| 1.7.5<ref></ref> || 26 de Febrero, 2014 || {{anchor|1.7.5}}


''Véase [[1.7.5]]''
| 1.7.4<ref></ref> || 10 de Diciembre, 2013 || {{anchor|1.7.3|1.7.4}}

''Véase [[1.7.4]]''
| 1.7.2 ([[La Actualización que cambió el Mundo]])<ref>[]</ref> || 25 de Octubre, 2013 || {{anchor|1.7|1.7.1|1.7.2}}

=== 1.7.2 ===
==== General ====

''' Mejoras y Cambios '''

* '''[[Paquete de Recursos|Paquetes de Recursos]]'''
** Revisión completa del menú.
*** La posibilidad de escoger varios paquetes de recursos a la vez.
*** Los paquetes de recursos situados encima, tienen preferencia sobre los que está debajo si los archivos aparecen más de una vez.
*** Permite una mezcla automática de texturas de varios paquetes, un paquete de sonidos y diferentes paquetes de texturas, etc.
** Los servidores pueden ofrecer paquetes de recursos.
*** Tamaño máximo incrementado a 50 MB
* '''Sonidos'''
** Ahora se pueden añadir nuevos sonidos usando paquetes de recursos.
** Los paquetes de recursos pueden añadir, eliminar, reemplazar, aleatorizar y agrupar sonidos usando JSON.
** Los sonidos y la música se almacenan juntos en la nueva carpeta .minecraft/assets/sounds
** La música ahora se pausa cuando se pausa el juego.
* '''Código de Red'''
** Reescritos completamente.
** Ahora usa ''Netty''.
** La mayoría de los paquetes no cambiarán.
** Hay un encabezado de longitud de paquete.
* '''Iluminación'''
** Muchos problemas de iluminación solucionados.
** Muchos menos "puntos negros" en el generador de terreno.<ref>{{tweet|jeb|362559336033165312}}</ref>
** Se han corregido los errores de las [[antorcha]]s en [[fortaleza]]s y [[Mina Abandonada|minas abandonadas]].<ref>{{tweet|jeb|362865480488333312}}</ref><ref>{{tweet|jeb|362873008840376321}}</ref>
** Ahora el nivel de iluminación baja a 7 durante las tormentas (antes se mantenía en 12 al igual que la lluvia normal, pero los monstruos podían aparecer si el nivel de iluminación era 7).
*** Las nubes se vuelven negras y el cielo se vuelve mucho más oscuro.
* '''[[Opciones]]'''
** Agrupadas varias opciones en la sección de Controles, que permite establecer 1-9 atajos de teclado, tecla para fotografía, cambio a cámara cinemática (se puede redirigir la tecla y ya no tiene una tecla por defecto), cambio de cámara y añadido el botó de carrera, que te forzará a entrar en modo carrera siempre que sea posible (Control izquierdo por defecto).
** Música y Sonidos
*** Ahora permite controlar el volumen de forma independiente para Volumen general, Música, Tocadiscos/Bloque musical, Clima, Bloques, Criaturas Hostiles, Criaturas Amigables, Jugadores y Ambiente/Entorno.
** La pantalla de paquete de recursos.
*** Ahora una pantalla dividida que distingue entre los paquetes de recursos seleccionados y los que no lo están - ahora se puede usar más de un paquete de recursos se forma simultanea
** Ajustes de Vídeo
*** La distancia de renderizado ahora es un deslizador que va de 2 hasta 16 ''chunks'', los FPS máximos es ahora un deslizador que va de 10 hasta 250 fps, el nivel de suavizado se puede establecer de nivel 1 hasta 4 o desactivarlo, el filtro antisotrópico se puede establecer en 2, 4, 8, 16 o desactivado.
** Super Secret Settings
*** Activa un sonido aleatorio cuando se pulsa y hace un ciclo entre varios efectos visuales experimentales: fxaa, art, bumpy, blobs2, pencil, color_convolve, deconverge, flip, invert, ntsc, outline, phosphor, scan_pincushion, sobel, bits, desaturate, green, blur, wobble, blobs, antialias.
*** Se puede restablecer a la visión normal con pulsando F4
** Selección de Lenguaje
*** Añadida la opción 'Fuente Unicode' que permite especificar si la fuente Unicode se fuerza a aparecer en texto o no.
* '''Inventario'''
** En el modo creativo, el objeto que se muestra para bloques de decoración, cambia de Rosa a Peonia.
** Las cajas de armadura se vuelven negras cuando el cursos está fuera de ellas.
*** Si se pone el cursos encima una caja de armadura, causará que se muestre la armadura que hay.
* '''Lista de Servidores'''
** Ahora se puede refrescar con F5.
** Añadidos iconos de servidores.
** Añadido soporte para comentarios multi-línea en el MOTD, que ya no se sale de la pantalla.
** Al pasar por encima del número de usuarios, aparecerán unos pocos de los que estén conectados.
* '''Registros'''
** Ahora usa Log4j 2
** La ubicación de los registros por defecto, es ahora logs/latest.logs, los registros antiguos se archivan en logs/<year>-<month>-<day>-1.lg.gz con el número al final, que aumenta en cada hoja de registros que se va guardando.
** La forma en que se guarden los registros, se pueden modificar, por ejemplo, páginas html, bases de datos, sólo errores, no quedan registrados.
* '''Minecraft Realms'''
** Preparativos iniciados para comprar soporte.
** Preparativos para ofrecer una opción para descargar el mapa del mundo.
* '''Texto [[Splash]]'''
** 'Ahora contiene 32 modelos aleatorios diariamente!'

==== Gameplay ====

''' Mejoras '''

* '''Comandos'''
** {{cmd|setidletimeout}}
*** Echa automáticamente a los jugadores inactivos después de un cierto tiempo.
*** Comando multijugador, sólo puede ser usado por [[Operador]]es de un servidor.
*** Uso: {{cmd|setidletimeout <Minutos hasta que se eche>}}
*** Escrito en JSON paar crear "botones" y texto formateado en el chat (subrayado, en negrita, en cursiva, de color, etc.).
*** Uso: {{cmd|tellraw <jugador> <mensaje>}}
** {{cmd|summon}}
*** Usado para hacer aparecer cualquier [[entidad]] en el juego, incluido [[Zombi Gigante]], [[Cristales del Fin]], [[Dragones del Fin]], y [[TNT]]s activadas.
*** Uso: {{cmd|summon <Nombre de entidad> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag]}}
** {{cmd|achievement}}
*** Usado para dar logros a un jugador.
*** Uso: {{cmd|achievement give <nombre> [jugador]}}
** {{cmd|setblock}}
*** Usado para crear, eliminar o remplazar un bloque.
*** Uso: {{cmd|setblock [x] [y] [z] <IDBloque> [Información] [Método] [Tag]}}
** {{cmd|testforblock}}
*** Hace la comprobación de un bloque en una localización específica.
*** Uso: {{cmd|testforblock <x> <y> <z> <NombreBaldosa> [Valor] [Tag]}}
** {{cmd|setworldspawn}}
*** Establece el punto de aparición del mundo para todos los jugadores (incluso si no han jugado nunca en el servidor o si están desconectados, pero no remplazará las camas).
*** Uso: {{cmd|setworldspawn [x] [y] [z]}}
* '''Efectos de parículas'''
** Pescar incluye ahora nuevos efectos con partículas.
*** Las burbujas se mostrarán moviéndose hacia el anzuelo, justo antes de que haya algo en él. Tiene la apariencia de un pez nadando hacia el anzuelo.
** Caer, ahora tiene efectos de partículas.
*** El tamaño de las partículas depende de la altura en que se caiga.
* '''Nuevos [[Logros]]'''
** Repoblación
*** Haz que dos vacas críen usando [[trigo]].
*** Requiere el logro "Chupavacas".
** ¡Diamantes para ti!
*** Lanza [[diamante]]s a otro jugadorher player.
*** Requiere el logro "¡DIAMANTES!".
** Hora de aventuras
*** Descubre todos los [[bioma]]s.
*** Requiere el logro "El Fin.".
** ¿El Comienzo?
*** Invoca al [[Wither]].
*** Requiere el logro "El Fin.".
** El Comienzo.
*** Mata al Wither.
*** Requiere el logro "¿El Comienzo?".
** Beaconator
*** Crea un [[faro mágico]].
*** Requiere el logro "El Comienzo.".
* '''Nuevas [[estadísticas]]'''
** Distancia a Caballo
** Porquería Pescada
** Tesoros Pescados
** Estadísticas de Criaturas

''' Mejoras y Cambios '''

* '''[[Caña de Pescar|Pesca]]'''
** Cambios en las mecánicas de la [[caña de pescar|pesca]].
** Más objetos a parte de [[pez]], se pueden obtener al pescar.
*** Pez: 4 objetos en total, incluye Pescado Crudo, Salmón Crudo, Pez Payaso, y Pez Globo.
*** Tesoro: 7 objetos en total, incluye [[Caña de Pescar|cañas de pescar]] encantadas, [[arco]]s encantados, [[Libro Encantado|libros encantados]], [[Etiqueta|etiquetas]], [[Gancho de Cuerda|gancho de cuerda]], [[Nenúfar|nenúfar]]es, y [[Silla de Montar|sillas de montar]].
*** Porquería: 13 objetos en total, incluye cañas de pescar dañadas, [[Pociones|botellas de agua]], [[Carne Podrida|carne podrida]], [[hilo]], [[cuero]], [[bol]]es, [[palo]]s, [[hueso]]s, [[Gancho de Cuerda|ganchos de cuerda]], diez [[Saco de Tinta|sacos de tinta]], o [[Armadura#Botas|bota]]s de cuero dañadas.
** Nuevos encantamientos para las [[Caña de Pescar|cañas de pescar]] que cambian tu suerte al pescar.
*** Atracción - reduce el tiempo de espera para pescar un objeto.
*** Suerte del Mar - incremente la probabilidad de obtener un "tesoro" y disminuye la probabilidad de encontrar "porquería".
* '''[[Logros]] y [[Estadísticas]]'''<ref>{{tweet|dinner|364354427387658240}}</ref>
** Ahora está enlazado con el sistema de tablas de estadísticas - añadidos 744 nuevos criterios de objetivos.
** Ahora son por mundo/servidor<ref>{{tweet|dinner|367952039458119680}}</ref>
** La pantalla de logros, ahora se puede ampliar y reducir usando la rueda del ratón.
** Los logros no aparecen en la pantalla de logros si son necesarios más de cinco logros para acceder a uno de ellos.
** La información para los bloques, objetos y criaturas no aparece no aparece en su pestaña correspondiente de las estadísticas, a no ser que el jugador haya fabricado/colocado/picado ése bloque, fabricado/usado/agotado ése objeto, o matado/matado por ésa criatura.
** Cuando un jugador consigue un logro, éste se anuncia en el chat. Ésto se puede descativar en los servidores, cambiando una linea en el archivo [[]].
*** Se puede limitar para que se muestren los logros del tipo herramienta.
*** No se puede deshabilitar en el modo [[Un Jugador]].
** Puedes obtener los logros '¡Hora de picar!', '¡Hora de luchar!' y '¡Hora de cultivar!', fabricando el objeto mostrado con un material que no sea madera.
* '''[[Tabla de Estadísticas]]'''
** Ahora se pueden usar las [[estadísticas]] para crear objetivos; cualquier cosa que las estadísticas puedan rastrear se puede usar como objetivo (también se pueden rastrear [[logros]]).
*** Ésta es la razón por la cual las estadísticas/logros ahora se almacenan por mundo/servidor.
* '''Comandos'''
** {{cmd|give}}
*** Ahora se pueden dar objetos a los usuarios con un nombre específico y con encantamientos. <ref>{{tweet|jeb|374924741267951617}}</ref>
*** Se pueden dar objetos como [[Cabeza]]s de un jugador específico, o incluso [[Generador de Monstruos|generadores de monstruos]] personalizados.
*** Ahora lee el nombre de los objetos renombrados.
*** Uso: {{cmd|give <jugador> <ID> [cantidad] [valor de daño] [Tag]}}
** {{cmd|time set day}}
*** Ahora establece el tiempo a 1000 en vez de 0.
** {{cmd|time set night}}
*** Ahora establece el tiempo a 13000 en vez de 12000.
** Ahora se puede añadir información ''NBT'', por medio de comandos.
*** Funciona con /give, /summon y /setblock
*** Ejemplos de sintaxis:
**** {{cmd|give @p 1 1 0 {display:{Lore:["Hi,","How are you?"],Name:"Nice Stone Block"},ench:[{id:1,lvl:10}]} }}
**** {{cmd|summon Pig ~ ~ ~ {Saddle:1, CustomName:"Babe", CustomNameVisible:1} }}
**** {{cmd|setblock ~ ~ ~ 397 3 {SkullOwner:MHF_Pig} }}
* '''Formato NBT'''
** New NBT tag Unbreakable
*** Applies to items with durability. Nullifies any usage dealt onto the item.
** List tags no longer need to be named
** No longer crashes when given the wrong type (integer/short)
** Added <structure>.dat files in data folder for storing structure data
*** Contains .dat called Village.dat, Fortress.dat (Nether Fortress), Temple.dat (Desert Temple, Jungle Temple and Witch Hut), Stronghold.dat, Mineshaft.dat, and others
*** NBT structure consists of the individual parts of each structure, labeled "children," the chunk it originates in, a tag called BB, and an ID for what type of structure it is
**** The children tags have information on each part of the structure and the type of part it is
* '''[[Multiplayer#Chat|Chat system]]'''
** "Useful to map makers, modders, players and server admins"
** Added a way to do things when clicking things in chat, like executing a command
** Other actions include opening a URL and showing an item tooltip when hovered on
** "Saved screenshot as" messages can now be clicked to open the [[screenshots|screenshot]], takes you to the .minecraft folder
** Names can now be clicked to PM people
** Added {{cmd|tellraw <player> <raw json message>}} to send chat messages with custom functionality to players - sender will not appear
** Syntax example: <code>/tellraw @p {text:"Daytime? ",color:"green",extra:[{text:"Click here!",color:"blue",clickEvent:{action:"run_command",value:"/time set day"}},{text:" Nighttime? "},{text:"Click here!",color:"blue",clickEvent:{action:"run_command",value:"/time set night"}},{text:" Have fun!"}]}</code>
* '''Fog'''
** Removed the thin fog around the player
*** Fog is only at the edge of the visible chunks now
* '''Death Screen'''
** If you die and you select the 'Title screen' button, a prompt will ask if you are sure you want to quit and give you the options to go to the title screen or respawn and continue playing
* '''Edge of the World'''
** All blocks beyond X/Z 30 million (±30,000,000) from origin now act as solid blocks.
*** This includes air blocks.
*** This creates essentially an invisible wall at the boundary.
** As all blocks function as solid, if the player is moved outside the boundary via external tools, they will be unable to move outside the block space they are within.
** Despite the above, the camera can still move normally. This reveals that ghost chunks still generate, as the camera can pass through normally solid blocks beyond the boundary.
* '''Block/Item [[Data values|IDs]]'''
** Can now be referred to by their names instead of numbers.
*** Will be the only option in the future.
***Necessary for the [[Plugin API]].
* '''Visuals'''
** Changed F3+B visuals
** Block bounding boxes are now completely black instead of dark grey
** The sky now darkens when inside.
* '''[[Nether Portal]]'''
** Planned to have odd width to allow for design variations, and, if the one in the Nether is big enough, ghasts can go through them.
** Portals can now be activated from any block within the portal, not just the bottom (when any fire block appears inside the frame)
** New nether portal building rules: Any size from 4x5 to 23x23, but rectangular
* '''[[Enchanting]]'''
** Unbreaking can now appear on any item without the use of an Anvil
** Enchanted Books can now receive multiple enchants at once

==== World Generation ====


* '''[[Tree]]s'''
** Acacia Tree
*** Curved trees made of Acacia Wood
*** These spawn in Savanna biomes
** Dark Oak Trees
*** Very large, short trees
*** These spawn in Roofed Forest biomes
* '''[[Biome]]s'''<ref name="worldgen"></ref>
** ''[[Biome#Mesa|Mesa]]''
*** Composed of multiple colored [[Hardened Clay|hardened clay]] that are layered in a way that resembles sedimentary rock
**** There are seven colours including normal, orange, red, yellow, white, light grey and brown.
*** Has a floor similar to a desert biome, but made of [[Sand#Red Sand|red sand]] instead of sand
*** [[Dead Bush|Dead bush]]es spawn in this biome
*** Occasional dying forests spawn on top of the clay mountains
*** There is no rain in this biome
** ''[[Biome#Savanna|Savanna]]''
*** Acacia trees
**** New wood, sapling, and leaf type
*** Horses can spawn in this biome
*** NPC Villages may generate in savanna biomes
*** There is no rain in this biome
*** Very flat with plateaus and the occasional giant mountain
** ''[[Biome#Sunflower Plains|Sunflower Plains]]''
*** Exactly the same as Plains, but can spawn Sunflowers
** ''[[Biome#Roofed Forest|Roofed Forest]]''
*** Has dark grass and giant mushrooms
*** Has Dark Oak trees; dark and dangerous under the canopy even during the day
**** New wood, sapling, and leaf type
*** Monsters will most likely be able to spawn during the day and the night
*** Monsters that spawned at night can survive during the day
*** This is the first biome aside from Mushroom Island that naturally spawns with giant mushrooms
** ''[[Biome#Birch Forest|Birch Forest]]''
*** A forest made entirely of birch trees
** ''[[Biome#Flower Forest|Flower Forest]]''
*** Forest variant with several of the new flowers, including peonies, orange tulips, white tulips, oxeye daisies, rose bush and allium
*** Very densely packed with the various new flowers
** ''[[Biome#Taiga|Taiga]]''
*** Now generates without snow
**** The previous taiga biomes are now Cold Taiga biomes
** ''[[Biome#Mega Taiga|Mega Taiga]]''
*** This is a very rare biome
*** Contains 2x2 [[Tree|Spruce tree]]s
*** Has a dirt block variant known as [[Podzol]].
**** Currently obtained only by the silk touch enchantment.
*** Contains [[dirt]] blocks that do not allow [[grass]] to grow.
*** [[Moss Stone]] "boulders" are scattered around in this biome.
*** [[Dead Bush|Dead bush]]es, [[mushrooms]], and [[Grass|fern]]s spawn in this biome.
** ''[[Biome#Extreme Hills+|Extreme Hills+]]''
*** Contains spruce trees
*** Goes considerably higher than the normal Extreme Hills
** ''[[Biome#Ice Plains Spikes|Ice Plains Spikes]]''
*** Contains giant ice spires similar to upside down icicles made of [[Packed Ice]]
*** These ice spikes can reach y=120 from normal ground
*** Lakes of packed ice are dotted around the biome
** ''[[Biome#Deep Ocean|Deep Ocean]]''
*** Is about ten blocks deeper than normal oceans, the maximum depth is in the low 30s
* '''Biome Variants/Technical Biomes'''
** Over 20 variants for the biomes.
** ''M'' - Biomes with an M variant are much rarer than any other variant.
*** ''Extreme Hills M'', ''Taiga M'', ''Roofed Forest M'', ''JungleEdge M'', ''Birch Forest Hills M'', ''Cold Taiga M'', ''Extreme Hills+ M'', ''Savanna M'', ''Savanna Plateau M'', ''Swampland M'', ''Jungle M'', ''Mesa Plateau M'' and ''Mesa Plateau F M'' are more mountainous versions of their normal biome counterpart.
*** ''Desert M'' has patches of water unlike normal deserts
*** ''Birch Forest M'' has taller birch trees than usual
*** ''Savanna M'' has grassless dirt and mountains that can generate above the clouds and up to Y: 220 on rare occasions
** ''Plateau'' - Biomes with a Plateau variant are like the hills technical biome, but flattened at the top
*** ''Savanna Plateau'' and ''Mesa Plateau'' are both plateaus
**** These are landforms which are raised by up to about 30 blocks and have flat tops
*** ''Mesa Plateau F'' - A variant of the plateau with trees
** ''Mesa (Bryce)'' - A rare variant of the Mesa biome which works similar to ice spikes with tall clay spikes generating from the sandy mesa floor.
** ''Hills'' - More technical hills biomes have been added to fit with the new biomes.
*** ''Birch Forest Hills,'' ''Cold Taiga Hills,'' and ''Mega Taiga Hills'' can now be generated.
** ''Beach'' - New beaches separate certain biomes from oceans and rivers.
*** ''[[Biome#Stone Beach|Stone Beach]]'' is composed mainly of [[Stone]] and often generates between an Extreme Hills biome and a body of water.
*** ''Cold Beach'' is composed of [[Sand]] with a layer of [[Snow (cover)|Snow]] on top.
**** Usually generates between a cold biome, such as [[Biome#Ice Plains|Ice Plains]], and a body of water.
* '''World type'''
** ''[[Amplified|AMPLIFIED]]''
*** Amplifies the terrain hugely, using the entire world height
**** Almost all biomes can generate huge mountains that can reach well above Y: 200
***** Extreme Hills biomes frequently reach the world height limit at Y: 256
***** Swampland and ocean biomes unaffected by this world type
*** Extremely resource intensive and requires powerful computer to run
*** Ravines here can reach down to bedrock
*** Contains numerous various landforms that are very rare or non-existent in default generation
**** Some examples include floating islands, overhangs, large water and lava falls and huge indents
*** Taiga biomes reach such altitudes that snow starts generating (about Y: 130)
***This will cause great lag if your computer is slow

''' Improvements & Changes '''

* '''[[Biome]]s'''
** ''[[Biome#Jungle|Jungle]]''
*** Melons can now be found in Jungle Biomes in patches similar to Pumpkins
*** Jungle biomes have been made much rarer
*** Has a Jungle Edge which has less foliage, but slowly leads into the main jungle
*** Jungle trees now have branches
** ''[[Biome#Swampland|Swampland]]''
*** Grass is greener and fluctuates more in color, depending on biome temperature
*** In shallower parts, the coast is covered in staggered dirt block with lilypads between them
*** Spawn with Blue Orchid flowers
** ''[[Biome#Plains|Plains]]''
*** Now spawns with three of the new flowers - azure bluets, oxeye daisies and sometimes tulips
**** Double tall grass also generates here
** ''[[Biome#Extreme Hills|Extreme Hills]]''
*** Snow at high elevations of over y=95
*** Contain [[Stone]] and large dirt patches
*** Gravel can replace ground cover
*** Flat valleys near sea level
*** Can generate up to y=150, slightly above the clouds (previously y=124)
*** Has much more height variation and has flat parts as well, as opposed to the previous extreme hills which forced endless high peaks to generate
** ''[[Biome#Ocean|Ocean]]''<ref></ref><ref>{{tweet|jeb|362559789064142850}}</ref><ref name="oceans">{{tweet|jeb|364788427570429953}}</ref>
*** Oceans are smaller and take up much less of the map<ref name="worldgen" />
*** Contain only gravel on the floor instead of sand, dirt, and gravel
** ''Gravel Beaches''
*** Appear more often
* '''Categorisation of [[Biome]]s'''
** Four main categories based on temperature<ref name="worldgen" />
*** Snow-covered, cold, medium, dry/warm
* '''Placement of [[Biome]]s'''
** Biomes will attempt to avoid getting placed next to a biome that is too different to itself<ref name="worldgen" />
* '''Elevation of [[Biome]]s'''
** Much greater variation of elevation in general
** Most biomes can generate to y=100
** Hills technical biomes have been made taller
* '''Modified the temperature system'''
** Each biome has a base temperature that determines whether the biome is snow-covered, whether it rains or snows, or whether it rains at all
** Biomes with a base temperature of 0.15 or less snow instead of rain
** Biomes with a base temperature of 1.5 or greater don't rain{{cn}}
** Biomes are grouped according to their temperature and attempt to generate next to biomes with similar temperatures
** Temperature decreases by 0.05 every 30 blocks increase in altitude
*** Extreme Hills generate snow because of this at about y=95 as their ground base temperature is 0.2
* '''[[Cavern]]s'''
** Are now less dense and interconnected
* '''Bonus Chests'''
** Bonus chests now also contain Acacia logs

==== Blocks & Items ====

''' Additions '''

* '''[[Wood]] Varieties'''
** Acacia Wood
*** Silver outside with orange inside
*** Makes up the Acacia Tree, found in Savanna biomes
** Dark Oak Wood
*** A darker version of the Oak Wood
*** Makes up the Dark Oak Tree, found in Roofed Forest biomes
** Acacia Wood Planks
*** Orange in appearance
** Dark Oak Wood Planks
*** Same texture as normal oak planks but darkened almost black
** Acacia and Dark Oak Wood Slabs
** Acacia and Dark Oak Wood Stairs
* '''[[Sapling]]s'''
** Acacia Sapling, found in savannas
** Dark Oak Sapling, found in roofed forests
*** Must have 4 saplings placed in a 2x2 square to be grown, much like Big Jungle Trees
** 2x2 spruce saplings now create the large spruce trees from Mega Taiga biomes
* '''[[Leaves]]'''
** Acacia leaves
** Dark Oak leaves
*** Both visually identical to oak leaves
* '''[[Fish]]'''
** [[Fish#Pufferfish|Pufferfish]]
*** Restores {{hungerbar|1}}
*** If eaten, you will be given Poison IV for 1 minute, Hunger III and Nausea II for 15 seconds
*** Used to brew a water breathing potion
** [[Fish#Salmon|Salmon]]
*** Can be cooked and eaten
*** Uncooked: Restores {{hungerbar|2}}
*** Cooked: Restores {{hungerbar|6}}
** [[Fish#Clownfish|Clownfish]]
*** Usage still unknown besides being eaten and used to tame [[Ocelot]]s
*** Restores {{hungerbar|1}}
* '''[[Packed Ice]]'''
** When broken, does not turn to water like normal ice blocks do
** Does not melt
** Opaque, rather than translucent like normal ice
* '''[[Podzol]]'''
** New dirt variation
** Only found in Mega Taiga Biomes
* '''Grassless [[Dirt]]'''
** Grass can not grow on it
** Obtainable only through /give
* '''[[Sand|Red Sand]]'''
** Generated in the Mesa biome
** Behaves like normal sand (can be smelted into [[Glass]] and crafted into [[TNT]])
* '''[[Flowers]]'''
** Red, Orange, White and Pink [[Flowers|Tulip]]s
*** Can be crafted to Red, Orange, Light Gray, and Pink Dyes, respectively
** Blue Orchid
*** Can be crafted to Light Blue Dye
** Allium
*** Can be crafted to Magenta Dye
** Azure Bluet
*** Can be crafted to Light Gray Dye
** Oxeye Daisy
*** Can be crafted to Light Gray Dye
** Poppy
*** Replacement for the rose - roses no longer exist
** All flowers can burn
** All flowers and grasses are now randomly offset to the sides like tall grass
* '''Two blocks tall [[Flowers]]'''
** Applying bonemeal to them causes them to dispense a flower item that can be collected. Therefore, all two blocks tall flowers are renewable.
** [[Flowers|Sunflower]]s
*** Typically face East
*** Can be grown, unlike [[Flowers|Rose]]s and [[Flowers|Dandelion]]s
*** Can be crafted into 2 Yellow Dye
** [[Flowers|Peonies]]
*** Can be crafted into 2 Pink Dye
** Rose bush
*** Can be crafted into 2 Red Dye
** Lilac
*** Can be crafted into 2 Magenta Dye
* '''Two block tall grass'''
** Double Tallgrass
*** Can be made by applying [[Bone Meal]] to [[Grass|Tall Grass]].
** Large Fern
*** Can be made by applying Bone Meal to [[Fern]].
* '''New variants of [[Monster Egg]]'''
** Includes Mossy Stone Brick Monster Egg, Cracked Stone Brick Monster Egg and Chiseled Stone Brick Monster Egg.
** Added to fix a bug where Silverfish entering Mossy, Cracked, or Chiseled Stone Brick would cause the block to change into regular Stone Brick.
* '''[[Minecart with Command Block]]'''
** Can only be obtained using /give (item ID minecraft:command_block_minecart) or /summon (entity ID MinecartCommandBlock)
** Activate using activator rails
** Run their command every 2 redstone ticks when powered (activates once when passing over an activator rail at full speed)
** Can be success tested by going over a [[detector rail]] connected to a [[Redstone comparator]]
* '''Potion of Water Breathing'''
** Made by brewing a Pufferfish with an Awkward Potion
** Enables you to breathe underwater for 3 minutes without oxygen bar depleting
** The potion is dark blue in appearance
* '''[[Stained Glass]]'''
** Glass can now be dyed into all 16 colours
*** This is done by putting a coloured dye in the centre of a crafting table and surrounding it with 8 pieces of normal glass, yielding 8 stained glass
** Stained glass can be crafted into stained glass panes using the same recipe as normal glass panes
*** Doing this yields 16 stained glass planes, like normal glass
** Water, nether portals, and other stained glass blocks remain visible when looked at through a stained glass block
** The colour of blocks they are placed on are tinted towards the colour of the glass
*** This includes glass of two different colours behind one another

''' Improvements & Changes '''

* '''[[Wood]]'''
** Wooden logs now have different textures for their top and bottom (with the exception of Oak Logs)
* '''[[Written Book]]s'''
** Can now be cloned the same way [[map]]s can, but by using [[Book and Quill]]s instead of [[Empty Map]]s.
** Can clone multiple copies of the same Written Book by putting more Book and Quills in the crafting grid.
** Can now be stacked (up to 16 per stack)
* '''[[Item Frame]]s'''
** Now drop the item inside them when punched, then drop themselves if they are punched when empty<ref>{{tweet|dinnerbone|373390930461884416}}</ref>
** Will display the name of the item they hold (if it is custom-named) when looked at up close
** Maps now display on a full block basis and no longer display player markers
* '''[[Weighted Pressure Plate]]s'''
** Now output a signal relative to the amount of entities on them, always starting at 1 signal strength if any entities are present
** For Light Weighted Pressure Plates, every entity adds 1 strength to the signal
** For Heavy Weighted Pressure Plates, starting at 1, every 10 entities adds 1 strength to the signal (Example: 11 entities increases signal strength to 2)
* '''[[Sugar Cane]]'''
** Color/shade is now affected by the biome color (similar to leaves, grass, vines, etc.)
* '''[[Flint and Steel]]'''
** Is now a shapeless crafting recipe.
** Can now be used to ignite [[Creeper]]s
* '''[[Dead Bush]]es'''
** Can now be placed on Hardened Clay, Stained Clay, and Dirt.
* '''[[Command Block]]s'''
** Now show what command it ran recently.
** Extended character command limit to "many thousand characters".
* '''[[Armor]]''', '''[[Bow]]s''', '''[[Fishing Rod]]s''' & '''[[Sword]]s'''
** Can now get the Unbreaking enchantment from enchantment tables
* '''[[Technical blocks]]'''
** Many technical block items removed (see Technical Blocks page for complete list)
* Removed [[Locked Chest]]
* '''[[Map]]s'''
** Maps in item frames now cover the whole block so that connected maps join together smoothly. The item frame can only be seen when viewed from the side.
** Now show colors for [[Wool#Colored wool|Colored Wool]] and [[Stained Clay]], allowing a wider range of colors visible on maps
** Each different type of block has a different shading on the map
* '''[[Ice]]''', '''[[Technical blocks#Nether Portal|Portal]]s''' & '''[[Water]]'''
** Now visible through each other
** If Water is directly adjacent to Ice, when looking through the ice you cannot see the Water. However, you can see the Ice when looking through Water.
** If Water is not directly adjacent to Ice, you can see the Water when looking through the Ice
** You can no longer see the Water surface from underwater
* '''[[Iron Bars]]''' & '''[[Glass Pane]]s'''
** Now connect to each other and [[Glass]]
** Are now 2 pixels thick
* '''[[Cauldron]]s'''
** Cauldrons with water in them will now put out burning entities, taking away one water level each time
* '''[[Boat]]s'''
** No longer inflict fall damage when running aground - replace existing Boats to fix them
** Slightly improved boats being broken by Lily Pads
** Boats have been reverted to the previous WASD controls
*** Note that the A and D keys can be used only while the W key is pressed
* '''[[Boat]]s''' & '''[[Minecart]]s'''
** Players can now "sprint" in boats and minecarts which speeds them up slightly
* '''Wooden [[Slab]]s'''
** When used as a fuel they can now smelt only half as many items as wood
* '''[[Air]]'''
** Is now a block rather than the absence of a block (although cannot be kept in one's inventory)

==== Mobs ====

''' Improvements & Changes '''

* '''[[Iron Golem]]s'''
** Now drop poppies instead of roses
* '''[[Creeper]]s'''
** Can now be detonated using a [[flint and steel]].
* '''[[Zombie]]s'''
** Reduced the lag that zombies create
* '''[[Spider]]s, [[Cave Spider]]s, & [[Endermen]]'''
** Don't become hostile when attacking them in [[Creative]] Mode
* '''[[Zombie|Baby Zombies]] & [[Zombie Pigman|Baby Zombie Pigmen]]'''
** Can now walk in one block tall spaces, but their hitbox remains the size of that of an adult
* '''[[Zombie]]s & [[Skeleton]]s'''
** Zombies and Skeletons can now spawn with and drop armour, bows and swords enchanted with the Unbreaking Enchantment
* '''[[Witch]]es'''
** Can drop a Potion of Water Breathing upon death as a rare drop
** Now drink a Potion of Water Breathing when they are trapped underwater
** Have been added to the mix of low light-level hostile mobs, now spawning anywhere where the light level is below 7, including at night in every biome and in caverns
*** They usually spawn in pairs
*** They have roughly the same spawn rate as the [[Enderman]]
** [[Generated structures#Witch Huts|Witch Huts]] now generate with a Witch inside.
*** They formerly generated empty with Witches spawning inside later.
* '''[[Horse]]s'''
** Players can now "sprint" on horses making them go slightly faster

==== Bug Fixes ====

[ '''Fixed 99 Bugs''']:
* {{bug|MC-242}} – Sprinting works inconsistently - very aggravating on PVP servers
* {{bug|MC-673}} – Sky/lighting doesn't get darker during a thunderstorm
* {{bug|MC-715}} – V-Sync in Window mode, settings not activated between sessions.
* {{bug|MC-881}} – Boat inflicts fall damage if it runs aground in some fashion (Slabs, Mobs, Soul Sand)
* {{bug|MC-944}} – Armor with Protection on it seems to reduce against hunger damage
* {{bug|MC-1000}} - Some Zombie Pigmen are missing their swords in the nether
* {{bug|MC-1018}} – Black Lighting under overhangs
* {{bug|MC-1105}} – Villagers act like it is Raining when they are in the Desert, and it Rains elsewhere.
* {{bug|MC-1262}} - Birch and Spruce trees do not grow directly next to one another
* {{bug|MC-1379}} – Transparent texture makes transparent texture behind invisible
* {{bug|MC-1769}} - X-Ray by standing inside TNT/Glowstone/Block of Redstone/Leaves (fast)
* {{bug|MC-1865}} - Spawn eggs and firework stars are pure white when held by zombies
* {{bug|MC-2638}} – Once hit old AI mobs and Wolves don't turn back to passive in Creative until they die or despawn
* {{bug|MC-2915}} – Attempting to tp to an invalid coordinate returns "commands.generic.double.invalid"
* {{bug|MC-3305}} – Cyrillic font not displaying on signs and in chat (Russian language)
* {{bug|MC-3575}} - Double-clicking to join a server results in 'cancel' button activating
* {{bug|MC-3871}} – Cauldron water does not put out fire / damage blaze
* {{bug|MC-3973}} – Silk Touch, pre-lit Redstone Lamps
* {{bug|MC-4150}} – Baby Zombies do not drop any loot / xp
* {{bug|MC-4482}} – Saplings placed on Farmland are not affected by Bonemeal
* {{bug|MC-4592}} – When mobs start to attack you in survival and you switch to creative mobs keep attacking you
* {{bug|MC-4630}} - Sound level resets
* {{bug|MC-4732}} – Tools and weapons lose durability without doing damage
* {{bug|MC-4921}} – Sounds (e.g. Mobs / Portals / Water) Don't Immediately Fade
* {{bug|MC-4973}} – Zombie Pigman from Nether Portal still spawns even if doMobSpawning is false
* {{bug|MC-5238}} – 10 MB server texture pack limit too small
* {{bug|MC-5305}} – Arrows from a flame bow aren't extinguished from rain but are extinguished from other water.
* {{bug|MC-5550}} – Night Time Doesn't Immediately Allow Sleep
* {{bug|MC-6820}} – The generation of terrain surface layer produces local straight glitches (fix included)
* {{bug|MC-7449}} – Silverfish enter Chiseled Stone Brick, and the Chiseled Stone Brick appears as normal stone brick.
* {{bug|MC-8331}} – Command block text disappears if too long
* {{bug|MC-9271}} – Opening a singleplayer world is counted as a multiplayer join in the statistics
* {{bug|MC-9547}} – Incorrect usage string for `/scoreboard teams empty`
* {{bug|MC-9686}} - Right- and left clicking at the same time will cause a block to be placed on top of a block which then gets removed
* {{bug|MC-10077}} – Adjacent Obsidian Blocks prevent Nether portal appearing
* {{bug|MC-10257}} – When a pig gets struck by lightning it spawns a Zombie Pigman without a sword
* {{bug|MC-10984}} – GS4 query listener fails to send player list when len(players) > 127
* {{bug|MC-11027}} – Axes accelarate the speed at which Slabs are broken
* {{bug|MC-11037}} - Uncapped framerate in certain screens causes high levels of GPU usage
* {{bug|MC-11280}} – Sometimes Water flows out of newly generated Village Farms
* {{bug|MC-11518}} – RCON and Scoreboard Command Output Formatting
* {{bug|MC-12450}} – Missing usage string commands.scoreboard.players.list.usage
* {{bug|MC-12452}} – Scoreboard team join command fails on invalid team name
* {{bug|MC-12454}} – Scoreboard option seeFriendlyInvisibles not listed in usage
* {{bug|MC-12541}} – The letters for the 'off' setting on smooth lighting aren't capitalised
* {{bug|MC-12731}} – Minecraft crashes if you click edit or delete on a LAN game
* {{bug|MC-12769}} – when typing /help with a number higher than 4, it produces the wrong message
* {{bug|MC-12984}} – getting a locked chest pushed into your head crashes the game
* {{bug|MC-13565}} – Fireworks sometimes don't stack when they should
* {{bug|MC-13661}} – When re-sizing window before game loads internal view doesn't resize
* {{bug|MC-14165}} - Attaching/detaching lead from far away in creative client-server desync
* {{bug|MC-14483}} - When game opens in Fullscreen, Realms Button Mis-Placed
* {{bug|MC-14518}} - When you try to get on a horse from far away, you look a different direction
* {{bug|MC-14865}} – Carpets Are Not Flammable
* {{bug|MC-15189}} - Cobblestone Wall with blocks on top shows black light on its north side with Maximum Smooth Lighting
* {{bug|MC-15193}} - Invisible Mooshrooms after shearing them through slabs
* {{bug|MC-15548}} - Breeding mobs from far away in creative client-server desync
* {{bug|MC-15688}} – Axe breaks all slabs in adventure mode. No drops for stone.
* {{bug|MC-16324}} – Massive Amount of "[SEVERE] Reached end of stream" messages in Minecraft server terminal when client pings the server
* {{bug|MC-16435}} – Boats Still Break on Lily's
* {{bug|MC-16849}} – Crash near pyramid
* {{bug|MC-16910}} – Packet250CustomPayload(dk)
* {{bug|MC-17090}} – Invalid teamcolors throw an NPE in the console rather than an error message "invalid color"
* {{bug|MC-18569}} – Server resourcepacks not implemented yet
* {{bug|MC-18672}} – Textures disappearing after setting player walkSpeed to 0
* {{bug|MC-19483}} – sounds playing after leaving world
* {{bug|MC-19604}} – Cannot /playsound records
* {{bug|MC-19623}} - /playsound does not accept non-integer values
* {{bug|MC-19654}} - Passive mobs don't spawn if you're riding a horse
* {{bug|MC-21223}} - When fishing, sometimes the 'splash' noise when the bobber goes underwater does not exist
* {{bug|MC-21870}} – Screen goes blank when modifying walk speed
* {{bug|MC-22927}} – Animals running forever after being hit
* {{bug|MC-25311}} - Loading bar for Minecraft Realms/Online is bugged
* {{bug|MC-26151}} – Minecraft has advice on an error report that should be deleted.
* {{bug|MC-26608}} – /spreadplayers confirmation text is wrong
* {{bug|MC-26660}} – Constant minecart sound
* {{bug|MC-27284}} – /scoreboard teams option color: Tab doesn't list all options.
* {{bug|MC-27364}} - Fullscreen mode displays only on part of screen
* {{bug|MC-27904}} – The Hindi, Malay and Norsk (Bokmål) language appear 2 times
* {{bug|MC-28400}} – Breeding animals gives xp even if doMobLoot gamerule is false
* {{bug|MC-28405}} – The saddle equip sound effect does not play when equipping a pig with a saddle.
* {{bug|MC-28478}} – Successful hit sound effect does not match the sound in the assets sound folder
* {{bug|MC-28625}} – The horse armor equip sound does not play when replacing it with already equipped armour
* {{bug|MC-28768}} – Horse Breeding Doesn't Produce Markings Correctly on Foal
* {{bug|MC-29088}} – Shearing sound does not play when shearing a mooshroom
* {{bug|MC-29279}} – Bug: the command block can be damaged by the explosion of Blue Wither Skulls
* {{bug|MC-29321}} – Jukeboxes play at the sound volume for effects until you change the music volume
* {{bug|MC-29361}} – Oceans are too big
* {{bug|MC-29424}} – Players appear offset for other clients after going through nether portals
* {{bug|MC-31031}} – Spawn eggs can be used on top of water, but not lava
* {{bug|MC-32250}} – Typo on "Unable to Load Worlds" screen
* {{bug|MC-33093}} - Cannot enter fullscreen reliably on Linux
* {{bug|MC-33108}} - Incorrect death messages after PvP
* {{bug|MC-34617}} - Animation crash if frame #0 is not referenced
* {{bug|MC-35343}} - Canadian English Language Selection Screen
* {{bug|MC-35718}} - Language is broken

== Older versions ==

{{LoadPage|Version history/Minecraft 1.6|[[Version history/Minecraft 1.6|1.6]]|h3}}
{{LoadPage|Version history/Minecraft 1.5|[[Version history/Minecraft 1.5|1.5]]|h3}}
{{LoadPage|Version history/Minecraft 1.4|[[Version history/Minecraft 1.4|1.4]]|h3}}
{{LoadPage|Version history/Minecraft 1.3|[[Version history/Minecraft 1.3|1.3]]|h3}}
{{LoadPage|Version history/Minecraft 1.2|[[Version history/Minecraft 1.2|1.2]]|h3}}
{{LoadPage|Version history/Minecraft 1.1|[[Version history/Minecraft 1.1|1.1]]|h3}}
{{LoadPage|Version history/Minecraft 1.0|[[Version history/Minecraft 1.0|1.0]]|h3}}

== References ==



[[es:Version history/es]]
[[fr:Historique des versions]]
[[ko:버전 역사]]
[[pl:Historia wersji]]
[[pt-br:Version history]]
[[ru:История версий]]

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