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{{redirect|Sandbox|the creative game mode|Creative|the definition of a sandbox game|Wikipedia:Sandbox game}}
| name = Minecraft Classic
| image = Minecraft_Classic.png
| startver = 0.0.9a 11a (1617<sup>th</sup> of May, 2009)| currentver = 0.30 (2210<sup>ndth</sup> of December November, 2009)
| paid = No
| website = [https Singleplayer] (Browser)<br>[ Multiplayer](Browser)}}{{Outdated}}{{msgbox| title = Notice| text = The link for Minecraft Classic has been removed from Though, you can still access it through the links on the side.
El nombre '''Classicclásico''' is es el título asignado a title given to game modes released before los modos de juego publicados antes de la versión [[Indev]]. It was the second , y es la primera fase del [[Minecraft#DevelopmentHistorial de versiones|development phaseciclo de desarrollo]] in de [[Minecraft]]. This phase was unnamed until El nombre no lo recibió hasta el 28 June de junio de 2010, when a blog cuando se decidió los nombres de las fases en este [ was written to name /746938105/the development phases-server-is-back-up blog].<ref>Los [[wordofnotch:746938105Modo de juego|modos de juego]]</ref> ''[[Creative#Classic CreativeModo Creativo|CreativeCreativo]]'', and later y posteriormente ''[[Survival]] [[Gameplay#Game modesModo Supervivencia|Game modesSupervivencia]] were introduced in this version'' se introdujeron en esta versión.
The releases of the La publicación del modo de juego [[Survival (Game Mode)/es|survival]] mode in Classic were conducted in en la versión clásica se llevó a test named cabo en una prueba llamada [[Survival Test]], que es la primera versión del modo de juego. It is a very early version of the game mode. The test had a points-based system, where the player gets points from killing some of the few early La prueba tenía un sistema de puntos que se obtienen al eliminar algunas [[mobscriaturas]]. Even after Classic was phased out, the Survival Test could still be played until the 16th December y a pesar de haber quedado obsoleto se pudo seguir jugando hasta el 16 de diciembre de 2010, when the website received a major overhaulcuando la página web recibió una sobrecarga de usuarios. This mode was quietly removed from the website so people took little notice of itEste modo se retiró discretamente, por lo que la gente tuvo poca información sobre él.
The latest version of the Classic Creative game mode isA pesar de lo dicho, howeverla última versión del modo creativo clásico todavía se puede jugar gratuitamente desde la página web de Minecraft, still playable for free on Minecraft's website. It is aunque hace tiempo que no longer updated and only kept for historical purposesestá actualizada y está disponible sólo con propósito histórico. According to De acuerdo a los planes de [[Notch/es|Notch]], he plans on "se irá desfasando...slowly phasing it out. I won't remove itSin embargo no quiero eliminarla, though. Just hide itsólo esconderla."<ref></ref> It is playable in both singleplayer and multiplayer variationsy se puede jugar de manera individual o en multijugador. There are Para esta última manera existen mods which have been added in the multiplayerque que aumentan la variedad de los modos de juego, making the game more varied in gameplay. Some special custom game modes like [[como algunas personalizaciones como Lava]] Survival, [[Guerras de TNT]] Wars or [[Zombie]]s have also been createdo Zombis.
Because of its outdated statusDebido a su estátus de obsoleto, it does not support many of the main features in the current versions such as no tiene muchas de las características principales de las versiones posteriores como la [[craftingmanufacturación]], el [[inventoryInventory/es|inventario]], or o la [[lightLight/es|dynamic lightingiluminación dinámica]]. The lack of [[sneaking]] and the addition of [[Dyeing|Dyes]] to Constantemente se van añadiendo mejoras y características nuevas a la versión [[Beta]] gradually made Classic obsolete; however, many players still used Classic for building things that would take too long in Beta. It later became completely obsolete when Creative was added to Beta in 1.8lo que hace que la versión Clásica vaya quedando cada vez más desfasado.
== History Ventajas de la compra anticipada ==[[Sand]] has been available for use since Classic. During that time, Sand blocks were rare and only appeared naturally in one block-thick beaches (usually by water or in the middle of a landscape). These beaches were always level and below [[Generated structures#Oceans|Ocean]] level. Sand instantly appeared at the lowest point it could go when placed above an [[air]] block without any sort of falling animation. Destroying a pillar made from sand from the bottom would cause the sand to disappear from the top first. Gravel and sand "fell" when placed in mid-air by moving directly above the nearest block directly below them, instead of turning into [[Entity#Sand and Gravel|falling block entities]] and [[Damage#Fall damage|falling]]. These attributes were present until the release of [[Infdev]]. An old glitch in Classic allowed players to raise the height of a fluid block by placing Sand (or Gravel) over it. The Sand block would stay suspended in mid-air until it was broken. When broken, a fluid block corresponding to the type below the Gravel or Sand would appear where the block was. The suspended fluid block would remain immobile until a block was placed next to it, causing a flood. This bug has since been fixed, but has been reported that it has happened before. An interesting and often humorous quirk in Classic is that whenever the player moves, they will swing their arms wildly around. This was changed in [[Indev]] and removed in {{verlink|Alpha 1.0.9}} because hands and blocks in hand would've moved tirelessly back and forth, ultimately blocking the player's view. On August 8, 2012, the link to Classic was removed. It was re-added after many complaints. On July 1, 2013Aunque el juego es gratuito para el público en general, howeverhay varias ventajas exclusivas para los jugadores que hayan realizado la compra del juego, the link to Classic was removed again. It can still be played by going to this site [httpscomo por ejemplo://], or simply from the launcher if Alpha versions are enabled. Classic, Infdev, and a few Pre-Classic versions (but not Indev) are included under "Alpha". The version numbers between 0.09 and 0.30 are Classic. == Trivia == * Player [[Skin]]s that are used for the full game are synced with Classic mode. Thus, custom skins can be used in both singleplayer and multiplayer versions of Classic mode for premium users.* In the classic [[Minecraft.jar|jar files]], sprites for several mobs can be found. Playing a Survival Test map in normal Classic will preserve mobs, and also lets you have multiple blocks of the same type (or none at all) on the hotbar.* Classic mode uses very old [[liquid]] physics, making it possible to flood the whole map with water or lava from just one block of the liquid. An example video is shown below.{{CV|jUL9a2H_4sY}}* When mobs were added and first survival test was created, it was possible to copy some files into the game client or browser client and play it in classic multiplayer, allowing player to do same things as in survival test, but with other people and on custom maps. However, the mobs appeared in other locations for each client.* In Classic mode, the game world is not infinite. It is a cube made out of naturally generated blocks and surrounded by infinite water and [[bedrock]].* When Beta 1.8 came out, sounds no longer worked and saving levels to the online server for premium users became impossible because Mojang removed its resources directory and addresses it was referring to for saving, possibly as a step towards phasing it out. Worlds that were not backed up locally were lost. == Gallery ==<gallery>File:CaveGame.png|Minecraft during earliest stages of development.File:0.0.9a.png|The earliest publicly accessible version, 0.0.9a.File:EarlyMinecraft.png|Minecraft during early development with the removed [[Human]] [[Mobs|mob]] shown.File:Flowing_lava.jpg|Flowing lava in early Classic.File:Minecraft_Classic_Pixel_art.png|Pixel art made in classic, version [[Version history/Classices|0.30Apariencia]]del personaje personalizable en el juego individual y multijugador.</gallery> == See also == * [[Version history/Classic]]* [[Minecraft#Development|Development cycle]]* [[Indev]]* [[Infdev]]* [[Alpha]]* [[Beta]]* [[Minecraft 1Se pueden salvar los escenarios en el servidor en red.0]] == References == {{reflist}}
[[CategoryCategoría:Game modes]][[Category:VersionVersiones de Minecraft]]

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