== Curiosidades ==
* Mobs spawned via this item act the same as normally spawned ones. As suchEn el [[Modo Creativo]], hostile mobs will un huevo de-spawn if the player ventures too far.* In Creative mode, one spawn egg can be used to spawn mobs infinite timescriatura se puede utilizar para generar criaturas infinitas; howeversin embargo, in Survival Modeen el [[Modo Supervivencia]], spawn eggs will be used up (e.g. one spider spawn egg will only spawn one spider; it will then be used uplos huevos se gastaran y solo generara una criatura por cada huevo; a stack will spawn sixty-four)los huevos se pueden apilar en sesenta y cuatro.* When spawning an Durante la generacion de un [[Enderman using a spawn egg on peaceful difficulty, it can exist long enough to pick up a block.* Possibly due to spawn limits]] usando un huevo en dificultad pacifica, spawn eggs only stack to 16 on the ''Xbox 360 Edition'' while stacks of 64 can be made on the PC versionpuede existir el tiempo suficiente para recojer un bloque.* The El huevo del [[Endermite|Endermite's]] spawn egg possesses a reverse pattern of that of the tiene un patron inverso al del [[SilverfishLepisma]].* Using a spawn egg while in peaceful won't spawn a hostile mobEl uso de un huevo en dificultad pacifica no permite generar criaturas hostiles.