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958 bytes eliminados, 18:20 23 oct 2014
Hay algunas entidades ([[Bote]]s, [[Vagoneta]]s, [[Ocelote]]s/[[Gato]]s, [[Aldeano]]s y [[Lobo]]s/[[Perro]]s) con funciones que pueden ser activadas al pulsar el botón derecho del ratón sobre ellas. Los Ocelotes y Lobos requieren de un objeto en la mano.
Entities may be riding onTambién existen otro tipo de interacciones con entidades, or attached to, other entities. When this is the case, only the lower/"outer" entity's volume collides with other things, and only that entity can control movement. The currently possible combinations in vanilla [[survival]] arepueden ser:
* A Cualquier [[mob]] or [[The Player|player]] in a [[minecart]] or [[boatMob]]con una rienda.* A player on a Un [[saddleCerdo]]d o un [[pigCaballo]].* A con una [[skeletonSilla de montar]] on a [[spider]] ([[Spider Jockey]]).* A player on a [[horse]]* A Un [[mobCreeper eléctrico]] on a con un [[leadMechero]]* A [[Baby animals|baby]] [[zombie]] ([[Zombie Pigman|pigman]]) ([[zombie villager|villager]]) on a [[chicken]] ([[Chicken Jockey]]). It is possible to have multiple levels, such as a player on a pig in a minecart. Also, entities can be stacked on top of each other but only with the /summon command or mods. If an entity is riding another entity, the top entity cannot teleport because as soon as the teleport is made, the entity is teleported back to riding the other entity. Since Minecraft smooths out movements by showing entities at locations between new and old positions, this may result in seeing the entity at several locations between riding the other entity and their teleport location.
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