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25 bytes añadidos, 20:20 26 oct 2014
Controversy Surrounding Creation
'''HomeBukkit''' fue un plugin oficial de los desarrolladores, pero fue substituido por [[Essentials]].
==Controversy Surrounding CreationLa controversia==
hey0 officially discontinued his work on Hey0 oficialmente no continuó en su trabajo llamado hMod with a forum post on 4 January principios de 2011. Without Sin hey0, development on el desarrollo de hMod, the predominant server el mod at the timepara servidores más importante del momento, was unable to continueno podía seguir actualizándose. Because of the unofficial nature of both hMod and  La creación de [[Bukkit and because ]] se debe este a este suceso, ya que hey0 was very inactive, miscommunication led to some anger within the communityse volvió muy inactivo y la comunidad reclamaba una nueva [[API]] para sus servidores. Parts of the community believed The Pero otra gente creyó que el proyecto [[Bukkit Project was stealing ]] era una copia del trabajo de hey0's work and others were angry at hey0 because they felt entitled to continued development, evidentemente lo era ya que él afirmó que ya no seguiría con el desarrollo de su [[API]]. The situation was exacerbated by the fact that Bukkit was not ready for release for a period of more than a week after hMod was discontinuedEl desarrollo del nuevo mod no duró más de una semana. During that hiatus Durante estos sucesos, la [[Version history/Beta#1.2|SMP Version 1]] fue lanzada exitosamente con rico contenido. Cosa que dificultó la actualización de [[Bukkit]], ya que había mucho código que reescribir.2Esto originó la creación de otro mod llamado [[MCAdmin]] was released, with significant new contentque pudo estar disponible en la nueva versión antes que [[Bukkit]]. This made it impossible to run a SMP server with the newest official Pero más tarde se tuvo que abandonar dicho proyecto ya que incumplia los derechos de autor de [[Mojang]] sobre ''Minecraft content and any plugins for that time without switching to MCAdmin''. Cosa que creó un ambiente de tensión (en estos momentos está sucediendo algo parecido con [[Bukkit]]) entre los usuarios de [[MCAdmin was a competing server mod that had been abandoned by the community after Doridian, its developer, aggravated privacy issues by writing a backdoor in his plugin because he was angry at certain members of his userbase]].  The situation continued as the Bukkit team did not create a simple Bukkit download link on their webpage because of licensing issues. The Bukkit team wanted to release Bukkit under the GPL, and CraftBukkit under the LGPL, a proposition that is legally questionable because of The Bukkit Project's inherent dependence upon Mojang AB's proprietary codebase. Members of the Bukkit team met with Mojang on 19 January with the intent of discussing licensing issues, but the topic was not sufficiently discussed. (As of June 2011, Bukkit and CraftBukkit still contain those GPL licences in their Githubs.) The situation was resolved with server owners building Bukkit on their own from preview builds on the GitHub repository, allowing the community to have working SMP 1.2 servers.
==Upcoming Plugin API==

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