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Cohete de Fuegos Artificiales

18 bytes añadidos, 22:14 28 abr 2014
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|nameid=Cohete de Fuegos Artifíciales
'''Firework rockets''' are [[items]] and [[Entity|entities]] which, when activated, create colorful explosions. The color, fade, shape and effect of the explosion are determined by what ingredients are used to create the [[firework starEstrella de Fuegos Artificiales]] - one of the ingredients used to create a rocket. However, a firework rocket can be crafted without a firework star. When this happens, it will only have a rocket trail, with no colorful explosion. The height of a rocket can be altered by adding up to 3 [[gunpowder]] to the rocket recipe. This increases the flight duration by 1 per gunpowder. Multiple firework stars can also be used, in which case each one will go off simultaneously when the rocket detonates. Firework rockets can be activated by right-clicking any block with them, or they can be fired out of [[dispenser]]s. The fireworks are customizable in colors, shapes, and height. There are many different kinds of rockets. Their flight paths are random and sometimes are offset up to 5 blocks to the side; they also tend to spiral up. Fireworks are also affected by gravity. Their motion can be changed with [[TNT]] or flowing [[water]].
There is a delay between detonation and the player hearing the sound, emulating real fireworks, but this sound travels much more slowly than in the real world.<ref>[[jebtweet:277075644804907009]]</ref><ref>[[jebtweet:277075517226762242]]</ref> Jeb mentioned on Twitter that fireworks may have effects on mobs, such as scaring wolves.<ref>[[jebtweet:277075087503536128]]</ref>

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