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12 bytes añadidos, 14:32 4 sep 2014
{{History||November 28, 2012|link=none|[[Jeb]] tweeted a picture of himself crafting [[nether brick]] slabs.<ref>[[jebtweet:273775616162164736]]</ref>}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Added nether brick slabs, which causes the smooth full half-slab to change its damage value to 43:7}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w02a|Added quartz slabsAñadidas las losas de cuarzo. The formerly unused slab type, known as the smooth full half-slab (see gallery), was removed from the game. Its data values were replaced with the nether quartz slab.}}
{{History||January 22, 2013|link=|Jeb states that the smooth full half-slab will be re-implemented with a value of 43:8. The smooth sandstone slab will also be implemented, with a value of 43:9. He also stated that they may be obtained legitimately later.<ref></ref>}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w04a|The smooth full half-slab is re-implemented with a value of 43:8. The smooth sandstone full half-slab is also added, with a value of 43:9.}}
{{History|||snap=14w33a|Stone slabs can no longer be crafted using [[granite]], [[diorite]], [[andesite]], or their polished counterparts.}}
{{History||0.1.0|Añaidas Añadidas las losas de piedra.}}
{{History||0.3.0|Añadidas las losas de madera (originalmente de roble), de ladrillo y roca.}}
{{History||0.6.0|Añadidas las losas de arenisca y ladrillos de piedra.
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