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Huevos de criaturas

118 bytes eliminados, 14:12 23 ago 2014
== Utilización ==
 A spawn egg is used by the [[Controls#Configurable Controls|use command]] Si un huevo es utilizado (normally right-clickingnormalmente con click derecho) on a surface with the eggsobre una superficie, la criatura aparecera inmediatamente con sus pies en la superficie. The egg's mob will appear with its feet immediately adjacent to the surface. Unlike [[chicken egg]]s and A diferencia de la [[Perla de Ender pearl]]s, spawn eggs are not thrownlos huevos no se tiran; the player must be within el jugador debe estar dentro del rango normal range of the blockdel bloque. Hostile and neutral Las [[mobscriaturas]] neutrales y hostiles (except wolvesexcepto los lobos) spawned while on the Peaceful difficulty setting will spawn but instantly deleted from the worldse generan en dificultad pacifica pero inmediatamente seran eliminados del mundo, just like mobs from al igual que con los [[monster spawnerGeneradores de monstruos]]s. The player may also place the eggs in dispensersEl jugador tambien puede colocar los huevos en dispensadores y las criaturas seran generadas justo delante del propio dispensador, which will spawn the mob directly in front of the dispenser itself. This would be useful for adventure maps and traps. Spawn eggs renamed by [[anvil]]s will spawn animals with that name attached to them as an [[NBT tag]]. This name will also appear in [[death messages]]esto sera util para los mapas de aventuras y trampas.
=== Capacidad de generar ===

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