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Plantilla:Map feat

2519 bytes añadidos, 06:56 26 feb 2011
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{{#if: {{{ cli| }}}| [[Image:Fi_CLI.png|Command Line Interface]] }}{{#if: {{{ gui| }}}| [[Image:Fi_GUI.png|Graphical Interface]] }} {{#if: {{{ outfile| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Image-File.png|Saves maps as images]] }} {{#if: {{{ outview| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Viewer.png|Allows viewing in the mapper]] }} {{#if: {{{ outwebview| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Web-Viewer.png|Creates a Google maps-like web page]] }} {{#if: {{{ projoverhead| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Overhead.png|Generates overhead views]] }} {{#if: {{{ projoblique| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Oblique.png|Generates projections tilted 45 degrees on one axis]] }} {{#if: {{{ projangledoblique| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Angled.png|Generates projections tilted 45 degrees on two axes]] }} {{#if: {{{ projisometric| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Isometric.png|Generates 35 degree isometric projections]] }} {{#if: {{{ proj3d| }}}| [[Image:Fi_3D-Projection.png|Renders map in a 3D view]] }} {{#if: {{{ zoom1| }}}| [[Image:Fi_zoom1.png|Maximum detail level is one block edge equals 1 pixel]] }} {{#if: {{{ zoom2| }}}| [[Image:Fi_zoom2.png|Maximum detail level is one block edge equals 2 pixels]] }} {{#if: {{{ zoom4| }}}| [[Image:Fi_zoom4.png|Maximum detail level is one block edge equals 4 pixels]] }} {{#if: {{{ zoom8| }}}| [[Image:Fi_zoom8.png|Maximum detail level is one block edge equals 8 pixels]] }} {{#if: {{{ zoomn| }}}| [[Image:Fi_zoomN.png|Infinite zoom]] }} {{#if: {{{ rot90| }}}| [[Image:Fi_90-deg-Rotation.png|Map can be rotated in 90 degree increments]] }} {{#if: {{{ rotany| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Any-Rotation.png|Map can be rotated any amount]] }} {{#if: {{{ customcolors| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Custom-colors.png|Supports custom colors or texture packs]] }} {{#if: {{{ heightlimit| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Height-Limit.png|Draw only blocks below a set height. Useful for looking underground]] }} {{#if: {{{ biomecolors| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Biome-Support.png|Support for proper biome coloration]] }} {{#if: {{{ blockfinder| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Block-Finder.png|Draw only certain blocks. Useful for finding resources.]] }} {{#if: {{{ cavemode| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Cave-Mapping.png|Map underground caves]] }} {{#if: {{{ players| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Player-Location.png|Display player locations on the map]] }} {{#if: {{{ signs| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Sign-Rendering.png|Display sign messages on the map]] }} {{#if: {{{ server| }}}| [[Image:Fi_Server-Automation.png|Suitable for automation on a server]] }} {{#if: {{{ hugemaps| }}}| [[Image:Fi_huge_maps.png|Can handle huge maps (fixed memory usage)]] }}<noinclude>

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