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Programs and editors/header/doc

1484 bytes añadidos, 18:31 20 jul 2013
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This template is used to generate a consistent table format on the [[Programs and editors]] subpages. Table rows should be generated with the [[Programs and editors/entry]] template. Note that the "<code>:Programs and editors</code>" prefix is necessary, as this template is not a subpage of the pages it is used on.

=== Usage ===
<pre style="width: 520px">
{{:Programs and editors/header|
{{:Programs and editors/entry
| name = Example 1
| author = Author
| image = Example.png
| platform = {{OS|win|linux|mac}}
| programming language = C++
| version = Latest Version
| date = Version date (no use yet)
| source available = Yes/No, license types
| minecraft version = {{v|t=1|1.1}}
| forum =
| website =
| notes = Description goes here.

{{:Programs and editors/header|
{{:Programs and editors/entry
| name = Example 1
| author = Author
| image = Example.png
| platform = {{OS|win|linux|mac}}
| programming language = C++
| version = Latest Version
| date = Version date (no use yet)
| source available = Yes/No, license types
| minecraft version = {{v|t=1|1.1}}
| forum =
| website =
| notes = Description goes here.

[[fr:Programmes et éditeurs/Entête/doc]]
[[nl:Programmas en editors/header/doc]]
[[pt-br:Programs and editors/header/doc]]
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