Efectos de pociones

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Efecto de estado después de comer carne podrida.

Efecto de estado son varias las condiciones que afectan a una entidad, que puede ser beneficioso o perjudicial. Los Efectos pueden ser infligidos en diversas formas a lo largo del juego, pero se producen generalmente por pociones.

El /effect permite a los jugadores provocar efectos sobre sí mismos y los demás jugadores y entidades.


Cualquier entidad bajo un efecto de estado se verá afectada de diferentes formas, por una cantidad de tiempo. Durante el efecto, las partículas swirly emanan de la posición de la entidad. Los jugadores pueden abrir su inventario para ver los efectos de estado actuales afectados sobre ellos, así como su resistencia y duración. La fuerza del efecto determina la potencia del efecto. Cuanto más alto sea el nivel, más fuerte es el efecto.

El nivel máximo de un efecto que se puede tener es nivel 255. Como cualquier otro efecto normal de poción, el efecto desaparece completamente al final de su duración. A diferencia de los efectos normales de pociones, las pociones con niveles por encima de 127 no causan efectos de partículas.

Cualquier número de diferentes efectos de estado puede ser simultáneamente activo en un jugador, incluso en el caso de efectos opuestos, tales como la fuerza y ​​debilidad. Sin embargo, no es posible aplicar el mismo efecto varias veces, aunque los efectos son de diferentes niveles (por ejemplo, la fuerza y ​​la Fuerza II no pueden ser ambas activas al mismo tiempo). En el caso de aplicar un efecto aún está activo en el jugador, la nueva versión del efecto sobrescribe el efecto de edad, dando un nuevo nivel y duración completa, si el nuevo efecto es de igual o mayor nivel.

Tenga en cuenta que incluso con los comandos, los efectos no pueden ser hechos para durar para siempre. Si un efecto se establece en una cantidad excesivamente grande de tiempo, tales como 182 horas, se mostrará como "**: **", pero aún continuará marcando los segundos y expirará al final.

Todos estos efectos de estado pueden ser eliminados dando de beber leche o mediante {Comando {|}} efecto. Con el tiempo del efecto se establece en 0 para usuarios Singleplayer con trampas habilitadas y con operador en el modo multijugador.

Lista de Efectos

A partir de la 1.6.1 Pre-release, hay un total de 23 efectos. Para los datos técnicos, véase valores de datos.

ID Nombre Efectos Fuerza No Poción/Causas Comando Poción
Ver brebajes para más información
Color de la Partícula Notas

  • Expands FOV
  • Aumenta la velocidad de la marcha en un 20%
Velocidad aumenta en un 20% con cada nivel adicional
Poción de Rapidez

Sky blue
En los niveles extraordinariamente altos (~ nivel 100), el jugador camina más rápido que el mapa puede cargarse.

Si se utiliza una poción "corrupta", se reduce la velocidad.


  • Contracts FOV
  • Disminuye la velocidad de la marcha en un 15%
Velocidad disminuye en un 15% con cada nivel adicional Cargando un Arco, comiendo, caminando sobre Arena de Almas, caminando sobre Bloques de Slime, bebiendo agua, pociones o leche, y causar efectos similares, pero no el efecto de estado
Grid Poción de Lentitud.png

Poción de Lentitud

Gris Azul
En los niveles 7 o superior, el jugador no podrá moverse a menos que saltar mientras se mueve o usan una Perla de Ender.

Si se utiliza una poción "corrupta", se incrementa la velocidad.


Blocks break faster by 20% (arm swings faster) Digging speed increases by 20% with each additional level Beacon Referenced by "Potion of Haste" by game, but potion not currently present unless using custom potion features

At levels 3 or higher, when the player mines something, the hands seem to not move. It has no effect on attack speed even though the hands move faster.

If a "corrupt" potion is used, blocks are mined and the player's arm moves more slowly.


Mining Fatigue
Blocks break slower by 20% (arm swings slower) Digging speed decreases by 20% with each additional level
  • Mining whilst sneaking causes a similar effect but not the status effect.
  • Approaching an Elder Guardian
Referenced by "Potion of Dullness" by game, but potion not currently present unless using custom potion features

Dark khaki
The effect does not affect block breaking in Creative mode. Levels 5 and up make the player unable to break any block. It has no effect on attack speed even though the hands move slower.

If a "corrupt" potion is used, blocks are mined and the player's arm moves quicker.


Increases damage dealt with melee attacks by 130%. Increase in damage is multiplied by level (Strength II is 260%, Strength III is 390%, etc.) Beacon Potion of Strength

Dark red
Any passive mob (except Villager and Horse) can be killed when Strength is on level 5.

If a "corrupt" potion is used, melee attack damage dealt is decreased.

If level is too high, player deals no damage.

6 Heart.svg
Instant Health
Heals 4 (Heart.svgHeart.svg) to players. Undead mobs are dealt 6 (Heart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svg) damage. Doubles the amount healed with each additional level None
Potion of Healing

Undead mobs are harmed instead. If the effect is forced to last longer than 1 tick, it will heal entities every tick.
7 Empty Heart.svg
Instant Damage
Damages 6 (Heart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svg) to players. Undead mobs are healed by 6 (Heart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svg). Doubles the amount of damage with each additional level None
Potion of Harming

Undead mobs are healed instead. Death is reported as "<player> was killed by magic". If the effect is forced to last longer than 1 tick, it will damage entities every tick.

Jump Boost
  • Allows the player to jump higher by approximately 1/2 block.
  • Reduces fall damage by 1 (Half Heart.svg).
Increases jump height by about [level]/8+.46 per level. (Jump height is ([level]+4.2)^2/16, ignoring drag). Reduces fall damage by 1 (Half Heart.svg) each level. Beacon Referenced by "Potion of Leaping" by game, but potion not currently present unless using custom potion features

If the level is 33, jumping will cause death upon landing.

If the level is 128 & 150, the player will be unable to jump at all.
If the level is 255, fall damage is disabled. If a "corrupt" potion is used, jump height is decreased; at most levels, the player is unable to jump.


Wobbles and warps the screen No effect Referenced by "Potion of Nausea" by game, but potion not currently present unless using custom potion features

When the Nausea effect is canceled, the Nether portal animation would flash onto the screen.

Regenerate 1 (Half Heart.svg) over time every 50 ticks/2.5 seconds Delay between regeneration is reduced by half (rounding down) with each additional level
Potion of Regeneration

Does not affect undead mobs.

Reduces all incoming damage by 20% Reduces damage by 20% with each additional level
  • Enchanted golden apple
  • Beacon
Referenced by "Potion of Resistance" by game, but potion not currently present unless using custom potion features

Level 5+ gives the player full immunity to all damage, with the exception of the void and the /kill command.

If a "corrupt" potion is used, damage taken is increased.


Fire Resistance
Immunity to fire and lava No effect Enchanted golden apple
Potion of Fire Resistance

All Nether mobs naturally have Fire Resistance without potion effects.

Water Breathing
  • Prevents the oxygen bar from decreasing
  • Slightly increases visibility while underwater
No effect None
Potion of Water Breathing

Potion can be brewed by Pufferfish as of 1.7.

  • Causes the entity model to disappear
  • Mobs will not attack/sense the player unless directly touched[note 1][1]
No effect None
Potion of Invisibility

Light gray
Armor, held items and any particles caused by effects do not disappear with the entity.

  • Creates thick black fog around the player
  • Prevents sprinting and critical hits
No effect Render distance and the Void fog cause similar effects but not the status effect Referenced by "Potion of Blindness" by game, but potion not currently present unless using custom potion features

Dark gray
The Sun and Moon can be seen as normal. Also, liquids do not fade into the fog perfectly. If combined with Night Vision, the screen will be covered by fog.

Night Vision
  • Increases brightness to 15 (full) everywhere
  • Increases ability to see underwater
No effect None
Potion of Night Vision

Medium blue
Screen flashes for 10 seconds before the effect wears off. Effect does not help with seeing through the void fog, instead it changes the color of the void fog from black to sky-blue if day or dark-blue if night. If used in the end everything will appear pink. If combined with Blindness, the screen will be covered by fog.

  • Causes food meter to deplete by 0.025 food exhaustion per tick
  • Hunger bar turns yellow-green (Poisoned Hambre.png)
Increases the effect by 0.025 with each additional level Referenced by "Potion of Hunger" by game, but potion not currently present unless using custom potion features

Dull green
If used with the /effect command on level 127 on any difficulty besides peaceful, It will completely drain your hunger bar in less than 5 seconds.

If a "corrupt" potion is used, the Food Bar does not go down.


  • Decreases damage dealt with melee attacks by 0.5 damage (0.25 heart)
  • Zombie villagers can be cured of zombification using a golden apple if they have the weakness potion effect on them.
Damage decrease is multiplied by level None
Potion of Weakness

If a "corrupt" potion is used, melee attack damage dealt is increased.

  • Does 1 (Half Heart.svg) damage every 25 ticks/1.25 seconds until the player or mob is at Half Heart.svg health
  • Hearts turn yellow-green (Poisoned Heart.svg)
Delay between damage is reduced by half (rounding down) with each additional level
Potion of Poison

Does not affect undead mobs or spiders. Will stop at half a heart.

  • Does 1 (Half Heart.svg) damage every 40 ticks/2 seconds (unlike poison, the effect can kill players and other entities)
  • Hearts turn black (Withered Heart.svg)
Delay between damage is reduced by half (rounding down) with each additional level Attacked by the Wither and a wither skeleton Referenced by "Potion of Decay" by game, but potion not currently present unless using custom potion features

Death is reported as "<player> withered away".

Health Boost
Adds 4 (Empty Heart.svgEmpty Heart.svg) base health; extra health vanish when the effect ends 4 (Empty Heart.svgEmpty Heart.svg) base health are added with each additional level None Referenced by "Potion of Health Boost" by game, but potion not currently present unless using custom potion features

Actual health may be above the base value after the effect ends and will not be capped, unless the entity is healed. Extra hearts of the mounted mob from the effect can be seen while riding a mounted mob. This Effect can also be given with a strength of 0 to give 4 base health (Empty Heart.svgEmpty Heart.svg).

If a "corrupt" potion is used, hearts are removed.


Adds 4 (Absorption Heart.svgAbsorption Heart.svg) absorption health that cannot be replenished by natural regeneration or other effects. Absorption health vanish when the effect ends 4 (Absorption Heart.svgAbsorption Heart.svg) absorption health are added with each additional level
  • Golden apple
  • Enchanted Golden Apple
Referenced by "Potion of Absorption" by game, but potion not currently present unless using custom potion features

Extra hearts of the mounted mob from the effect can be seen while riding a mounted mob.

If a "corrupt" potion is used, hearts are given when the potion's effect ends.

23 Hambre.png
Causes food meter to be replenished by 1 (Medio Hambre.png) per tick. 1 (Medio Hambre.png) is added with each additional level None Referenced by "Potion of Saturation" by game, but potion not currently present unless using custom potion features

At level 20 it fills the hunger bar in a tick.
  1. If the player wears any one piece of armor, mobs will be able to see the player at most 1 block away; for every additional piece of armor the player equips, this distance will increase by 3, for a maximum view distance of 10 blocks if the player wears a full set. However, this is not currently working, and some neutral and hostile mobs can sense invisible players regardless of whether or not they are wearing armor.


Efectos de pociones/video


1.8 Status effects were introduced.[2] No potions were added yet, so the only things that caused them were golden apples, raw chicken, rotten flesh and cave spiders.
Lanzamiento oficial Actual potions were added and some effects got an alchemical ingredient that correspond to them. Milk was also given the ability to cure and clear all status effects. Ghast tears were ingredients in potions of Healing.
1.9pre4Ghast tears' role was changed to making potions of Regeneration, and glistering melon was introduced for potions of Healing.
1.3.112w21a An enchanted golden apple made from blocks of gold was added, and induced, among others, the formerly unused Resistance potion effect.
12w26a Monster spawners could be customized using third-party world editors and set to spawn mobs with potion effects.
1.4.212w32a Night Vision now functions, and a potion and splash potion of Night Vision was implemented and added to Creative mode, however there was no brewing recipe yet.
Beacons were also added (to Creative only) and could be used to give potion effects to players around it, and several potion effects without a potion could be induced.
Villager zombies under the effects of a potion of Weakness can be given a golden apple to cure it.
12w34a Invisibility now functions, and turns mobs invisible. Players under its effect cannot be detected by other players. A potion and splash potion of Invisibility was implemented and added to Creative mode. The golden carrot was added as the ingredient for the potion of Night Vision which, when inverted, creates a potion of Invisibility.
The Wither effect was added, and it is inflicted by the Wither's Wither skulls.
12w39a Using external programs, Potions can be changed to give different or multiple effects for any length.
1.513w09b Using /effect you can now apply potion affects to players, Albeit with a level limit of 4
13w09c /effect no longer has a level limit, allowing thus overpowered effects.
1.613w23a Regeneration and Instant Health were slightly nerfed, having regeneration heal twice as slow and Instant health be 33% less potent.
13w23b Added Health Boost effect. It is activated after eating the 1st tier of the golden apple. The enchanted tier does not give the effect at all.
Regeneration was increased from level 1 to 2 on the normal golden apple, and increased from level 4 to 5 on the enchanted golden apple.
13w24b Added Absorption effect.
Spiders have a rare chance to spawn with potion effects on Hard difficulty.
Health Boost no longer is activated after eating a golden apple. The Absorption effect is now triggered after eating either tier of the golden apple, and lasts for 2 minutes.
1.6.1pre Added Saturation effect.
1.6.2Extra Health from Absorption effect no longer reappears every 30 seconds.
1.7.213w36aWater breathing potions added.
1.814w06aAdded the ability to disable effect particles.


Issues relating to "Efectos de pociones" are maintained on the issue tracker. Report issues there.


  • After drinking a bucket of milk while under the Nausea effect, the screen will flash purple for a tick as if you were standing in a Nether Portal.
  • If the command /effect [player] [effect id] 0 is executed and the player already has that effect, the effect will be removed
  • If fog is turned off by a mod, Blindness is ineffective.
  • If you put Speed and Slowness together, you'll be able to sprint.
  • The maximum health the player can achieve using Health Boost and Absorption is 2068.
  • If you get max health using method above, and put regeneration level of 255, while healing to 2068 hearts, your view will jolt, even in creative mode, like getting hurt. You are not getting hurt though.
  • If you have at least resistance 5, then you are practically invincible. (Apart from the /kill command and the void)
  • Endermen inflicted with invisibility can still be seen due to the fact that the eyes still glow and a slight outline can be seen from a distance. Similarly, spider eyes will glow.
  • Strength level 127 is strong enough to slay an enderdragon with one hit from an iron sword.
  • The Wither effect is the only negative effect that can affect both living and undead mobs. It is also the only effect that can successfully damage Endermen when edited into splash potion form.


See also


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDJ3znwrDeo
  2. http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/ks5ag/code_for_potions_in_minecraft_18/

External links


fr:Effets de potion ja:ステータス効果 nl:Drank effecten pl:Efekty mikstur ru:Эффекты зелий zh:状态效果